Archive of Recruitement
Recruitment Under Project
- Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (01-Post) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-96
- Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Position in a project entitled “Technical Support to Government Departments and CSO Partners for Strengthening Implementation of SBM (Urban/Rural) in Bihar” funded by UNICEF, Bihar
Advertisement for the post of Field Investigator (01-Post) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-92
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (01-Post) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-78
Advertisement for the post of Field Investigator (02-Posts) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-98
Advertisement for the post of Field Investigator (01-Post) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-97
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (01-Post) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-97
Advertisement for the post of 1. Research Assistant (01-Post) & 2. Field Investigator (01-Post) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-91
Advertisement for the post of 1. Research Assistant (01-Post) & 2. Field Investigator (02-Posts) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-96
Advertisement for the post of 1. Research Assistant (01-Post) & 2. Field Investigator (02-Posts) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-95
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant (01-Post) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-93
Advertisement for the post of Field Investigator (01-Post) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-93
Advertisement for the post of Research Associate (0-Post) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-99
Advertisement for the post of Field Investigator (05-Posts) under the ICSSR-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-99
Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the Swedish Research Council-funded Research Project CUSB-MoU-01
- Regarding uploading of advertisement for recruitment of Project Staff (Junior Research Fellow) under RP-90
- Regarding uploading of advertisement for recruitment of Project Staff (Research Associate) under RP-89
- Advertisement for the call of Walk-in-Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the SERB-funded Research Project CUSB-RP-88
Advertisement for Non-Teaching Positions
Advertisement for Teaching Positions
Advertisement for Faculty Positions (CUSB/Advt./40/2023 dated 11.07.2023)
Detail of each Post of Advertisement
- Annexure-I for Table 2 (UGC Regulations 2018)
- Annexure-II for Table 3A (UGC Regulations 2018)
- Annexure-III for Undertaking
- Annexure-IV & Annexure-V for fulfillment of conditions
- Annexure-VI for Format of SC, ST & PwBD certificate
- Annexure-VII for Format of OBC certificate
- Annexure-VIII for Format of EWS certificate
- Partially withdrawal notice of Advertisement No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17.02.2022
- Notice & List of Shortlisted Candidates for the posts of FO
- Notice & List of Shortlisted Candidates for the posts of CoE
- Notice for Finance Officer
- Notice for Controllers of Examination
- Detail Advertisement for Finance Officer and Controllers of Examinations
- Qualification
- General Instructions for Filling up the form
Recruitment Under Project
Advertisement for the call of Walk-in-Interview to the position of Research Assistant under the ICSSR funded Major Research Project CUSB-RP-75 - reg
- Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow under SERB funded project RP-88- reg.
- Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant under SERB funded project RP-87- reg.
- Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant under RP-75
- Advertisement for Project Associate-I /Junior Research Fellow/ Junior Pro ject Fellow under SERB, New Delhi funded proiect (CRG/2(122/002052)
- Advertisement for Project Associate-I /Junior Research Fellow/ Junior Project Fellow under SERB, New Delhi funded project (EEQ/2022/000198)
- Advertisement for Project Associate-I/ Junior Research Fellow/ Junior Project Fellow under SERB, New Delhi funded project
List of Eligible Candidates
- List of eligible candidate for the post of Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Science
- List of eligible candidate for the post of Associate Professor in the Department of Commerce and Business Studies
- List of eligible candidate for the post of Professor and Associate Professor in the Department of Economic Studies & Policy
- List of eligible candidates for the post of Professor in the Department of Mathematics
- List of eligible candidates for the post of Professor and Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism & Mass Communication
- List of eligible candidate for the post of Professor in the Department of English.
- List of Shortlisted
- List of eligible candidates for the post of Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science
List of Shortlisted Candidates for an interview for the post of Professor and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences
List of Shortlisted Candidates for an interview for the post of of Professor in the Department of Sociological Studies.
Employment Notification: Recruitment of Temporary/Co-Terminus faculty for UPSC Coaching under Dr. Ambedkar Centre of Excellence (DACE) at CUSB, Gaya Bihar
- Advertisement for Research Assistant (Contract Basis) for IKS in Department of Teacher Education, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya
- Advertisement for Research Assistant position Department of Commerce and Business Studies, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya.
- Advertisement for Consultant (Date of Publication : 18/08/2022)
List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Associate Professor (UR & OBC) in the Department of Computer Science under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Assistant Professor (OBC & SC) in the Department of Pharmacy under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
List of Shortlisted Candidates
- Notice: List of Shortlisted Candidates for an interview for the post of Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
- Notice: List of Shortlisted Candidates for an interview for the post of Professor in the Department of Political Studies under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
- Notice: List of Shortlisted Candidates for an interview for the post of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Geology under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
- Notice: List of Shortlisted Candidates for an interview for the post of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Law and Governance under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
- Notice: List of Shortlisted Candidates for an interview for the post of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
- List of Shortlisted Candidate of Various Department
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Law and Governance under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Geology under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Professor in the Department of Political Studies under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics under Advt. No. CUSB/Advt./37/2022 dated 17/02/202022
Recruitment for Teaching Positions (Advt. No.CUSB/Advt./36/2019
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Assistant Professor (Department of Chemistry)
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Assistant Professor (Department of Political Studies)
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor (Department of Historical Studies and Archaeology
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the post of Assistant Professor (Environmental Sciences )
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the posts of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor (Department of Geography)
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor (Department of Law and Governance)
- 1. Department of Commerce & Business Studies
- 2. Department of Economic Studies and Policy
- 3. Department of Life Science
- List of candidates found Eligible/Provisionally Eligible/Not Eligible for the posts of Assistant Professor (Department of Pharmacy)
- List of Shortlisted candidates for the post of Associate Professor and Assistant Professors in the Department of Teacher Education.
- List of candidates found Eligible / Provisionally Eligible / Not Eligible for the posts of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor
- Last date of receipt of printed hard copy of application along with enclosures is extended up to 02/01/2020 till 5:00 PM
Recruitment for Teaching Positions (Advt. No.CUSB/Advt./35/2019 dated 08/03/2019)
- Notice: (Advertisement No. CUSB/Advt./35/2019 dated 08/03/2019) Partial withdrawn
- List of Shortlisted candidates for the post of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Education
- List of candidates found Eligible/Ineligible for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor (Department of Physical Education and Department of Geology)
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Assistant Professor in the Department of Law and Governance ( No. CUSB/RC/Advt./35/LAW/336(B)/2019 Date:12.07. 2019)
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Associate Professor in the Department of Psychological Science
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Studies
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Law and Governance
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Professor and Associate Professor in the Department of Economics Studies and Policy
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Hindi
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Professor in the Department of Environmental Science
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Professor in the Department of Development Studies
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Professor in the Department of Biotechnology
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Professor in the Department of Mass Communication and Media
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Department of English
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce and Business Studies
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Historical Studies And Archaeology
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry
Notice 3 : List of candidates found Eligible/Ineligible for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor
Notice 2 : List of candidates found Eligible/Ineligible for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor
Notice 1 : List of candidates found Eligible/Ineligible for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor
- Notice : Last date of submission of application is extended
- Addendum 2 (CUSB/RC/Advt.35/01/2019 dated 29/03/2019)
- Addendum 1 (CUSB/RC/Advt.35/01/2019 dated 14/03/2019)
- Corrigendum - 1
- Corrigendum - 2
- Advertisement (Short)
- Faculty Positions (Advt. No.CUSB/Advt./35/2019 dated 08/03/2019)
- Details of Advertisement
- Annexure – I
- Annexure – II
- Mobility of Faculty
Recruitment for Non-Teaching Positions (Advt.No:CUSB/Advt./34/2019 dated 01/03/2019)
Lists of Eligible, Provisionally Eligible and Not Eligible
Research Project
Title of the project: “Mechanism of Telomerase Regulation in response of Arsenic liver Cancer”
Title of the project: “Assessment of the potential of natural Gangetic Biofilters for waste water treatment in constructed wetland”