About Department
Vision and Mission
Academic Program

Since liberalizing its markets in 1991, India has emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Globalization is molding the legal landscape in emerging economies and blurring the boundaries between global and local. Last century of the last millennium witnessed and generated the promise of improvement and development in the field of science, technology and law. That century also helped us to arrive at new economic, social, ecological and political arrangements all over the world. New horizons were opened in the field of trade & commerce, science & technology and law & jurisprudence. Various new areas in the field of law were opened. Now the world is heading towards rapid progress in all most all fields of knowledge including law and the globalization has changed the entire fabric of polity and society. Globalization and the changing dimension of the Indian economy and polity have thrown up new challenges before us. It has brought a tough competition in educational service sectors. We are facing tough competition not only from within but from outside the country. Internationalization and globalization of the legal education and the probable entry of foreign lawyers into India poses a serious threat to the legal profession in India generally and to the Indian lawyers and law students in particular. It is transforming virtually every sector of the world’s economy. This transformation has important implications for the rapidly globalizing market for legal services. With the shift of economic powers, India, China and other emerging economies are becoming central powers in this market.

Change is the law of nature and law is the regulator of social change. It is sine qua non for the development of rule of law and a sustainable democratic order. Law is also a social science and it is closely linked with society. A society cannot remain static and therefore, law in order to meet the changing requirements should keep abreast of time. It is not fanciful omnipotence in the sky but a flexible instrument of social order, dependent on the political and other values of the society which it purports to regulate. Thus, through its dynamism it is aspiring to strengthen the foundation of the economic order. In a democratic country like India where rule of law is driving force of the government, legal education assumes great significance. Legal education helps in bringing and establishing socio-economic justice. It is the heart and the very soul of the society for administering rule of law in a democratic country like ours. Therefore, quality legal education is to be imparted to the law students taking into consideration the changing needs of the society and in the changing era of globalization. The traditional views of legal education and research have become relic of the past. Now, a lawyer is expected to serve not only within the country but outside our country. They are also expected to start their carriers with renowned global law firms and global law schools etc. Different opportunities are there before the law students and these are ever widening e.g. legal actors, legislators, judges, civil servants, policy makers, lawyer in defense services, lawyer of banking and insurance sectors, corporate lawyers, corporate lobbyists, legal academicians and editorial writers, jobs in Legal Process Outsourcing(LPO) and many more. The new notion of law and jurisprudence demands a different attitude to legal studies and research. In the changing liberalized and globalized era it would be blunder for the law students to confine themselves only to mere traditional legal texts. They need to pay proper attention to the other related disciplines of study and to equip themselves as valuable knowledge workers and human resources to keep pace with the changing demand of the time.

However, it is in this national and international spectacle, interdisciplinary studies on the interactive dimensions of law, science and economics are gaining importance slowly but surely. Multidisciplinary approach to the study of law is gradually emerging as the need of the hour. Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) has adequate infrastructural facilities to provide the perfect ambience for interdisciplinary studies in law, in its true sense. However, the Department of Law and Governance started its journey since 2013 and has achieved various miles stones within the short span of time. Our students are successfully placed in different legal spheres including as legal academicians, judges, lawyers, corporate law officers, law officers in banks & insurance companies, politicians and what not. Department of Law and Governance under the School of law and governance, CUSB, is not only imbibed with multidisciplinary approach to the legal studies and research but it is making genuine efforts to disseminate such approach to both the privileged and underprivileged learners and researchers of law and jurisprudence. The school is striving towards imparting quality legal education to the students including the students who are from poor, oppressed, downtrodden and backward communities of the society. The mission of the school is to equip the students with critical, analytical and applied skills and also to make both transactional and litigating lawyers.

Department Overview

Established in

(Initially named as Centre for Legal Studies and since 2018 name changed to Department of Law and Governance

Employee Strength

Faculty- 10
Staffs - 01

Student Strength

Research Scholar & JRF-37
UG-Students - 525
PG-Students - 74
MPhil/PhD Graduated - 01

Placement 2021
(Job, Higher Studies) 

x (tentative)

Publications, Books & Patent
(Last 5-Years)

Books -



Board of Studies (BoS)

BoS is a statutory body for each department/centre, primarily responsible for syllabus design and regular update. As described in the Ordinance section 25.10,

The functions of the Board of Studies shall be:-

  • To recommend to the School Board, courses of studies offered by the Department/Centre and continue updating syllabus;
  • To take all steps in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations about teaching and evaluation of various courses/programmes of the Department/Centre;
  • To recommend to the School Board measures for the improvement of teaching and research in the Department/Centre;
  • To constitute panels of experts to be considered for appointment as Examiners, Board of Examiners for various courses/academic programmes and M.Phil./Ph.D. thesis representing various specializations of Departments/Centres; and
  • To perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the School Board, the Academic Council, the Executive Council and the Vice-Chancellor.

Department Committee (DC)

As enshrined in the Ordinace-26, the Department/Centre Committee (DC/CC) shall consist of the Head of the Department/Centre, as Chairperson ex-officio, and all faculty members of the Department/Centre.

26.2 The Department/Centre Committee shall have the following functions, namely–

  • To make proposals to the Board of Studies on academic programmes concerning teaching and research, and the creation, specialization and abolition of teaching posts;
  • To propose schemes for the maintenance and improvement of the standards of various programmes of study and research of the Department/Centre;
  • To apportion the teaching and co-curricular work of the Department/Centre among the teachers thereof and monitor the proper execution thereof;
  • To consider and decide on the assignment and utilisation of the space, equipment and other assets of the Department/Centre and other matters of general and academic interest of the Department/Centre;
  • To consider and recommend perspectives and major thrust areas for research and to propose research projects to be taken up by the members of the Department/Centre, individually/collectively;
  • To review and apprise the SRC/URC with the current status of research in Department/Centre;
  • To suggest to SRC/URC norms related to qualifications and research experience of a faculty to be recognized as a research degree supervisor and to constitute Department/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRC/CRC);
  • To suggest to University Admission, Teaching and Evaluation Committee (UATEC) on any issue related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation in courses and students’ assessment of courses, offered by the Department/Centre to improve quality of education.
  • To constitute such Committee(s) comprising members of the Department/Centre, and if necessary external experts, for framing and implementation of rules and regulations related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation, maintenance of students’ records including alumni affairs as well as promotion of research and development; and
  • To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Ordinances or Regulations, or by the Vice- Chancellor/Dean/School Board from time to time.

Department Research Degree Committee (DRDC)

Departmental/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRDC/CRDC) deal with all matters connected with the Ph.D. Programme of the Department and report the matter to the University Research Degree Committee (URDC), as per University Ordinance-33. It consists of the Head of Department/Centre as Chairman and other faculties in the department.

Functions of DRDC/CRDC are as follows:

  • Allotment of Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, recording reasons for not admitting a candidate.
  • Recommendation for extension of time for submission of thesis
  • Recommendation to peruse a part of research outside the University
  • Approval of the Course Work
  • Assessment and Grading in Course Work
  • Monitoring the research progress of the candidate
  • Approval of Research plan proposal/language
  • Sanction of duty leave to the Ph.D. candidate
  • Assessment of Ph.D. work through pre-submission seminar
  • Maintaining the record of research paper publications of the candidate
  • 11 Recommendation of panel of experts for thesis evaluation
  • Assessment of revised thesis for satisfactory compliance, if any
  • Arrangement of Viva-voce in the absence of the supervisor
  • Recommendation to waive the Viva-voce

Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

A Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is constituted for every research scholar admitted in PhD programme. The Committee would guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and to To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar. The committee shall have also have power to recommend the co-supervisor and cancellation of registration


  • To make the standard of legal education of the School as Globally Competent Legal Education;
  • To take appropriate measures for promoting innovations in teaching-learning process and inter-disciplinary studies and research;
  • To educate and train manpower for the development of the country;
  • To establish linkages with industries for the promotion of Law;


  • To Review curriculum to determine appropriate reforms by mapping learning outcomes to curricular offerings;
  • To introduce Appraisal Mechanism for all the teaching and non-teaching staffs to evaluate their contributions;
  • To introduce a mechanism to declare the best teaching and non- teaching staffs of the Department;
  • To introduce Value Oriented Education;
  • To adopt Increased Use of Technology in future;
  • To Bridge the gap between classroom and courtroom;
  • To introduce LL.D. Programme in the department;
  • To introduce Diploma in Arbitration & Mediation;
  • To introduce Diploma in Insolvency and Bankruptcy;
  • To introduce Diploma in Cyber Law;
  • To introduce Diploma in Corporate Governance;
  • To introduce certificate course in Patent Drafting;
  • To introduce certificate course in Cyber Security;
  • To introduce certificate course in insurance;
  • To introduce certificate course in Corporate Registration;
  • To introduce certificate course in Copyright;
  • To take initiatives in organizing National & International Seminars/Conferences/Workshops;
  • To organize Round Table Discussions on prominent legal issues of National and International importance;
  • To take initiatives for inviting experts like advocates /judges/ academicians /public servants etc. as guest faculties of the Department;
  • To enter into Collaborations with various agencies for research-oriented works;
  • To take initiative for promoting students for undergoing Internships in National and International Level;
  • To take initiatives for providing career Counselling to the students;
  • To take initiative for Student –teacher exchange programs through collaboration with some national or international academic and research institutions;
  • To take initiative for community service through Active involvement of students in legal aid center;
  • To take steps for increasing the number of legal aid camps and reaching out to the remotely situated people;
  • To encourage students to carry on research works which will be beneficial not only for the society but the Country at large.

  • Objectives of the Program:
  • To explore the procedural laws and to well verse in drafting and pleading.
  • To interpret and analyse the legal and social problems.
  • To know the values of Rights and Duties.
  • To impart to the students the professional ethics, social responsibilities and norms of the established legal practices.
  • To engage the students in independent and life-long learning in the broader context of legal change.

Programme Outcomes:
  • Students are capable to find solutions to the problems by application of laws and regulations.
  • Students are capable to promote community welfare.
  • They work for finding the solutions to the problems by application of laws and regulations.
  • Students are equipped with the knowledge of teaching methods through the subject on Teaching Pedagogy thereby to enabling them to enter the teaching profession and also in to the Corporate and IP Sectors.
  • They are equipped with Business entrepreneurship along with Law background.
  • Compulsory research projects are allotted to the students and this helps them to increase their analytical power and to enhance their research aptitude.

b. Eligibility:
As per Bar Council of India, the eligibility criteria is10+2 or equivalent examination in any stream from any recognized Board/University with at least 45% marks for General/OBC and 40% marks for SC/ST candidate

c. Intake: 132
  • Objectives of the Programme-
  • To explore and explain the substantial legal issues and to find solutions to these issues;
  • To interpret and analyze the legal and social problems and to work towards finding solutions to these;
  • To impart to the students the knowledge of teaching methodology;
  • To enhance the student’s ability of independent thinking;
  • To enhance the student’s ability in analyzing legal problems and finding solutions to these problems.

b.Programme Outcomes:
  • To train the students in learning doctrinal and empirical research;
  • To help the students to increase their understanding of the lawyer’s distinctive role in society and of the lawyer’s concomitant responsibility to contribute to society through public service and pro bono representation.
  • To enhance the ability of the students to identify, formulate, and apply legal rules.
  • To enhance the student’s ability to read and analyze judicial opinions.
  • To increase the students ability to interpret statutes, regulations, contracts, and other similar legal texts.
  • To help the students to enhance their ability to construct legal arguments and evaluate critically one’s own and others’ legal arguments.
  • To impart the students the knowledge to identify and evaluate the practical consequences of various legal rules and to formulate policy arguments for and against those rules.

c. Eligibility:
The eligibility criteria is, students must pass with 50% marks in the final examination of Bachelor’s degree in Law, approved by the Bar Council of India, conducted by a University/college duly recognized by the UGC.

d. Intake: 38
  • Objectives of the Programme-
  • The ability to write clearly and effectively in a wide range of legal contexts and for various audiences, such as courts, clients, opposing counsel and academics.
  • The ability to articulate one’s thoughts verbally in a clear and effective manner.
  • Knowledge of and ability to use tools of legal research.

b. Programme Outcomes
  • aThe ability to identify and gather factual information relevant to the application of legal rules.
  • bThe ability to work collaboratively with others, including others with opposing interests.
  • Knowledge and understanding of practical aspects of the legal profession and market for legal services.

c. Eligibility
LL.M. from any recognized University with 55% in aggregate or its equivalent Grade B in UGC 7 point scale. A Relaxation of 5% of marks from 55 to 50% or equivalent relaxation of grade for SC/ST/OBC(Non creamy layer)/Differently abled candidate.

d. Intake
[As per existing vacancy of the research scholars of each Faculty Members/Guide]

  • Lab facility
  • Research Lab
  • List of instruments in the Lab
  • Lab staffs and their contact
S.No. Research Scholar/JRF/Project staff Photograph Guide Academic Qualification Research Area Achievement/Award /Publication
Prof.(Dr.) Pawan Kumar Mishra PhD Pursuing Environmental Law 5 Publications
Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar Mishra Ll.M. Law (Topic: The Socio-Legal Impact of Prohibition and Excise Law in Bihar: A Critical Study) Kumar P. (2020). Balancing State's Obligation with Special Reference to Prohibition Laws in Bihar. In Kumar P. and Sharif M. (Eds.) Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village BRCDGV-2020, pp. 404-419, Patna, Novelty & Co.
3 Arun Kumar
Dr. Pradip Kumar Das LL.M. Regulation of Insider Trading in India: An Appraisal with Special Reference to the Developments in the USA and the UK
Dr. Sanjay Prakash Srivastava LL.M LAW
5 Tanmoy Roy CUSB1913175013 Dr. Pradip Kumar Das LL.M (Constitutional & Administrative Law) Refugee Law and Human Rights I have five (05) publications in different fields
Prof. Sanjay Prakash Srivastava LLM Monitoring and Surveillance vis a vis Administrative Interference with Personal Liberty in India Published Four Paper in ISSN Journals
7 Manisha Patawari
Dr Sanjay Prakash Srivastava LLM Goods and Services Tax (Tax Law) I have 5 publication in my name including 1 conference publication
8 Mangal Kumar Raj
Anant Prakash Narayan LL.M Law (Politics of Bail Judicial process in the administration of justice in the medical bribery case, Without right to dissent freedom is meaningless, Constitutional provisions of economic welfare and its reality in India.
9 Surya Prakash Singh
Dr.Deo Narayan Singh LL.M Pursuing Ph.D Law
10 Amar Dev Pandey
Prof. Dr. Pawan Kumar Mishra LL.M. Law
11 Raj Prashar
Dr. Pradip Kumar Das LL.M. Corporate Law ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS
• Secured 9th position in all over the State of Bihar in the BSEB, Intermediate Examination (Science stream).
• Secured Gold medal in B.B.A.LL.B (H).
• Secured Gold medal in LL.M.
• Cleared NET and JRF in June, 2019
• Received “Rajya Puraskar” from the Governor of Bihar in 2009 as a senior member of “Bharat Scouts and Guides”.
• Secured best memorial award in the 1st Moot Court Competition organized by College of Law and Legal Studies, TMU,Moradabad
• Cinched 2nd position in 1st Dr. B.R. Sharma Memorial trophy, Saran District Invitational Karate Championship in 1998.
• Got certificates of merit for the results of academic session (2010-2011,2011-2012)
• Secured 1st prize in cricket, volleyball, group dance in OCEANS, 2011.
• Secured of 1st prize in essay competition organised by TMCLLS in 2011.
• Secured 1st prize in debate competition organised by TMCLLS in 2012.
• Secured 1st prize in Master Chef, scientific innovation, Group Drama and other competitions in ‘Sanskriti’.
• Got 1st prize for PPT Presenation titled “Constitution and Reality” on Law Day.
  • • Honour killing – “a heinous crime”, “Indian Youth: Contemporary Issues, Challenges and Strategies” , Souvenir • “Trial by media-“a legal dilemma”, Issues of Media Policy Regulation and Ethics, ISBN: 978-81-8457-401-2.
  • • “Judicial accountability-“re-visioning the role of judiciary””, International Conference on Transparency and Accountability in Governance: Issues and Challenges, ISBN: 978-81-923638-7-5.
  • • Cyber Law and Cyber Security Challenges, International Journal of SMART, ISBN: 978-93-5087-882-8.
  • • Legal Framework for E-governance - Need of the hour, International Conference on Sustainable Development: Challenges, Issues & Practices (SDCIP), ISBN: 978-93-5104-995-1
  • • “Amended Section 66(A) of Indian Information Technology Act 2000 -Is to be careful or to be afraid of?, International Journal of Trends in Computer Science (IJTICS), Academic Journal Online, ISSN: 7462-8452
  • • “Foreign direct investment and Indian financial system”,National Seminar on “FDI and a borderless world of Trade and Industries: Challenges and Opportunities”: ISBN:978-93-83704-05-7.
  • • Lawyer’s role in Indian economy-“the hidden hero or a villain”, National bi-annual Journal of Emerging Trends in Economic Development, ISBN: 978-93-5087-058-3.
  • Other publications:
  • • Article titled Trial by media-‘a legal dilemma’ published in “Legal Era” (International magazine) in the January edition of 2013.
  • • Article titled Unsung hero of the Downtrodden published in the editorial of The Pioneer, English Daily Newspaper (National Edition), dated September 23,2019.
  • • Number of poems (insaan hi rehna, hum bachee, Sarvatra etc), stories and articles published in different newspapers and magazines.
Dr. Digvijay Singh LL.M. IPR
  • Published a paper titled “Sarla Mudgal v.Union of India: A Case Comment. The paper has been published in a book on Constitutional Law bearing ISBN No.97881-941524-3-9. o Published a paper on “Right to Privacy” in an International journal of Legal Research and Governance with ISSN 2394-7829. o Published a paper on crime and politics in Indian context in Asian Journal of advance studies with ISSN 2395-4965. o Published a paper on gender equality and social reality- An Indian Perspective in the name of Journal of humanities and culture with ISSN 2393-8285.

  • presented paper a titled Law relating to domestic violence; issues and challenges in 1st CUSB online conference organized by school of law and governance on 7 March, 2021.
  • Presented a seminar on L.G.B.T.Q: Law and Judicial Approach (Paper presented on Legal Framework on Transgender-Indian Scenario on 6 March, 2019). o Presented a seminar on Democracy and the state of the national India in 21 century (Paper presented on Indian Judiciary and challenges of 21 century, 11-12 Feb, 2016). o Presented a seminar on Rights of child & issues of challenges. (Paper presented on Implication of recent development in Juvenile Justice, 13 Sep, 2016). o Presented a seminar on Gender Disparity & Women’s security in India. (Paper presented on Gender discrimination at work place, 12-13 March, 2015). o Presented a seminar on legal protection of consumers in global economy (Paper presented on the social Media & Consumers, 29-30 March, 2014). o Presented a seminar on good governance &RTI. (Paper presented on democracy & RTI Act, 13 Dec, 2014).
  • Presented a seminar on Buddhism culture /Literature & The Constitution of India (Paper presented on equality in Buddhism & The Constitution of India, 20 Dec, 2014). o Presented a seminar on Prospective on modern India and the emerging world order (Paper presented on education is the duty of state or the responsibility of the state, a legal study 20-21 Feb, 2016).
  • Attended International seminar on Women and Law Mantra in collaboration with International council of jurists, London on 13 Jan, 2018. o Actively participated in National Conference on Human Rights and gender justice held on 24 Dec, 2017 at Indian Law Institute, New Delhi. o Actively organized legal aid program in Gulbarga and Aland districts with the sponsorship of National Law School and government of Karnataka from 20-22 Nov, 2017. o Resource person at Cyber Security Awareness program for children organized at NLSIU from 4-5 May, 2017. o Resource person in the International Conference in Human Rights and gender justice at Indian Society of International Law School in Delhi on 6 Aug, 2017. o Actively participated in international seminar on dimension of human trafficking in South Asia from 24-25 Feb, 2016. o Attended International seminar on La Reforma Laboral in University of Catolica Chile from 16-18 June, 2015.
  • Workshop
  • Participated in a one-day workshop on IPR on 10 January, 2019. o Participated in two-day workshop on Block chain technology conducted by NLSIU, Bengaluru from 4-5 May, 2018. o Participated in two days National workshop on Insolvency and Bankruptcy code 2016 conducted by NLSIU, Bengaluru from 24-25 March, 2018. o Participated in three days International workshop conducted by UNAIDS for topic “Age of consent advocacy” from 20-22 March, 2017. o Participated in National workshop by BHU for the topic “Condition of the women at the Bhaktiyog” from 25 January – February, 2016. o Participated in 17th AJEI INETNATIONAL WORKSHOP VARANASI. Also, Discussed on gender politics, labor law and Development on 09-12 March, 2015.
  • Participated Online training programme on research and publications ethics at school of education by CUSB fron 15 march to 22 march 2021.
14 Ujjawal Anand
Mr. Sanjay Prakash Srivastava LL.M. Corporate Law. Topic - Regulation of Algorithmic Trading in India.
Prof. Pawan Kumar Mishra LL.M Environmental Law Participated in various conferences (Participated and presented a paper on International environmental law at International conference at Patna University, Participated and presented a paper at Geeta institute of Law.
16 Pritee Kishore
Dr. Pallavi Singh B.Sc. L.L.B. (Hons.), L.L.M. , Ph.D.(pursuing) Criminal Law Publications
  • Article published on the topic "National Green Tribunal" by Law Updater.
  • Certificate of participation in NLU Jodhpur's Gary B. Born essay writing competition on International Arbitration, 2016.
  • Certificate by Central University of South Bihar for training attended on Human Rights", 2015.
  • Participated in XIIIth K.K. Luthra Memorial Moot Court Competition, 2017.
Sanjay Kumar Srivastava LLM Intellectual Property Laws No
18 Ankit Kumar
Dr, P.K. Das LLM International Arbitration Law
19 ALOK KUMAR CUSB2013175001 Dr. Pawan Kumar Mishra LL.M CRIMINAL LAW NA
20 Suman Chandra
Dr. Deo Narayan Singh LL.B
21 Suman Chandra
Dr. Deo Narayan Singh LL.M
22 Kumar Shashi CUSB1713175004 Prof. P. K. Mishra LL.M.

a. Projects

b. Research Areas

c. Research Publications


E-Resources for Courses


Course Code

Course Name

Question papers (Previous Years)

Notes and Presentations

Video and Suggested readings


Course Assessment Design - LLM

  1. Semester –I
  2. Semester –II
  3. Semester –III
  4. Semester-IV




Department Of Law And Governance

  • Present Head
HOD Name Period Contact Image
Prof. Pawan Kumar Mishra 18.02.2019-onwards Contact : 0631-2229-000
  • Former Heads
  1. Prof. Sanjay Prakash Srivastava(18.02.2016-17.02.2019)
Office Staff Email Id Contact Image
Mr. Om Parkash, UDC
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