- manipratap@cusb.ac.in
- maniprat@gmail.com
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EXPERIENCE : 2.5 years teaching, 4+years research experience and nearly 9 years legal and administrative experiences.
Mr. Mani Pratap has joined this University as an Assistant Professor in Law in August 2019, and he has done his B. A. Political Science(H) from Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur and LL. B. (2009) from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and (LL.M. 2011) from Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, A Central University, Lucknow and completed Ph.D. Course work from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Further, Mr. Pratap has qualified his NET in June 2012, Dec 2012 and June 2013 and Awarded JRF in June 2013 by UGC New Delhi. He has also been awarded CRET BHU Scholarship. Prior to Joining in this University; Mr. Pratap has served nearly 7 years in the National Insurance Co. Ltd., Govt. of India undertaking, as an Administrative Officer (Legal) having various Portfolio of Legal matters.
He has participated/ presented various Papers in different seminar/conference/ and also organized the Seminar/ Conference/panel discussions in the University. He has published his research article in UGC Peer Reviewed Journals. He has further guided 5 dissertations of the LL.M. Courses. Apart from his teaching assignment, He is discharging his Administrative responsibilities assigned by the University.