- pawanmishra@cusb.ac.in
- drpkishra2015@rediffmail.com
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EXPERIENCE : More than 22 years Teaching/Research experience.
Dr. Mishra obtained his B.A. LL.B.(integrated),LL.M.and Ph.D.(Law) from University of North Bengal, Siliguri,Darjeeling. He was awarded Ph.D.on the topic “Constitutional Contours of Right to Education and Educational System in India”. He started his teaching as a guest faculty, Dept. of Law, University of North Bengal in 2000. He served as Lecturer at Sikkim Government Law College, Gangtok for more than two and half years. He was also appointed as Lecturer and subsequently Sr. Lecturer at Vivekananda Law School (VIPS) under GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi and served there from 2003 to 2009 and was instrumental in establishing the Law School at Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies. Dr Mishra was appointed as Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Patna University in 2009 and served the University till December 2015.
He has been appointed as faculty members at various Law Schools and Universities in India including various National Law Universities. His areas of interest are Criminal Law, Women Sensitisations and Laws, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Gender Justice and Human Rights. He has attended, actively participated and presented papers at various seminars, conferences and workshops. He has participated in various law teachers training programmes. He has delivered series of lectures at Delhi Police Academy on Indian Penal Code meant for Probationary Police Officers at Delhi. He has delivered various lectures as Resource Person at different Law Programmes for police, law students and teachers. He has also chaired and co-chaired various technical sessions of UGC sponsored national seminars. He has been reviewing research articles of various Peer reviewed referred journals. He has more than 32 research paper publications in various national and international, UGC listed/Peer reviewed referred journals, more than 30 seminars and conference papers and he is and been members of various Statutory, Professionals and Academic Bodies including in editorial boards. He has received and completed UGC research project on Domestic Child Labourers funded by UGC. He is a member of Expert Committees of many examinations of the Universities, Academic Bodies, Public Service Commissions and Selection Committees. He served as the Chief Warden of campus hostels, Dean, School of Law and Governance, Head, Department of Law and Governance, Central University of South Bihar. He has more than 22 years of UG, PG and Ph.D. teaching, research and other related works experience. He has been guided/guiding research work to many Ph.D. scholars on law subjects. Dr. Mishra has joined as Associate Professor of law at the School of Law and Governance, Central University of South Bihar in December 2015 and since December 2018 and till date he is serving as Professor of Law.
Prof.(Dr) Pawan Kr Mishra
More than 32 research paper publications in various national and international, UGC listed/Peer reviewed referred journals, more than 30 seminars and conference papers and is and been members of various Statutory, Professionals and Academic Bodies including in editorial boards.
- Publications:
- Patent:
- Book:
- Awards:Received Gyanenda Saha memorial award for securing First class First position in LL.M.
- Projects: UGC Minor Research Project entitled “A Socio-Legal Studies of Domestic Child labourers with Special Reference to Patna and Neighbouring District (Bihar)” vide UGC letter No. F. PHB. 43/12-13 (ERO), dated:- 05/02/2013
Other relevant information
Research Interests:
Research (in APA Style)
- Publications:
- Patent:
- Book: