
Deans of the School

S.No. School Name Name of the Dean E-mail ID of Dean
1 School of Mathematic, Statistics & Computer Science Prof. Roushan Kumar dean.smscs@cusb.ac.in
2 School of Earth, Biological & Environmental Sciences Prof. Pradhan Parth Sarthi dean.sebes@cusb.ac.in
3 School of Physical and Chemical Sciences Prof. Amiya Priyam dean.spcs@cusb.ac.in
4 School of Social Sciences & Policy Prof. Pranav Kumar dean.sssp@cusb.ac.in
5 School of Human Science Prof. Dharmendra Kr. Singh dean.shs@cusb.ac.in
6 School of Language and Literature Prof. Suresh Chandra dean.sll@cusb.ac.in
7 School of Media, arts and Aesthetics Prof. Atish Prashar dean.sll@cusb.ac.in
8 School of Law and Governance Prof. Sanjay Prakash Srivastava dean.slg@cusb.ac.in
9 Schools of Education Prof. Kaushal Kishore dean.soe@cusb.ac.in
10 School of Management Prof. Subramanian Shanmugam dean.som@cusb.ac.in
11 Schools of Health Science Dr. Vivek Dave dean.xxx@cusb.ac.in
11 Schools of Agriculture and Development Prof. Ram Ashish Yadav dean.doa@cusb.ac.in

Heads of the Department

Building Name : Aryabhatta Bhawan
Name of DepartmentName of the HeadE-mail ID of Head
School of Earth, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Department of Computer ScienceDr. Jainath Yadavhod.csc@cusb.ac.in
Department of MathematicsProf. Roushan KUmarhod.mth@cusb.ac.in
Department of StatisticsDr. Sunit Kumarhod.sts@cusb.ac.in
School of Earth, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Department of BioinformaticsProf. Asheesh Shankerhod.bis@cusb.ac.in
Department of BiotechnologyProf. Durg Vijai Singhhod.btn@cusb.ac.in
Department of Life ScienceProf. Ram Pratap Singhhod.lsc@cusb.ac.in
Department of Environmental ScienceProf. Pradhan Parth Sarthihod.esc@cusb.ac.in
Department of GeologyProf. Prafull Kumar Singhhod.geology@cusb.ac.in
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Department of PhysicsProf. Venktesh Singhhod.phy@cusb.ac.in
Department of ChemistryProf. Amiya Priyamhod.che@cusb.ac.in
School of Health Sciences
Department of PharmacyDr. Vivek Davehod.pharmacy@cusb.ac.in
Building Name : Chanakya Bhawan
Name of Department Name of the Head E-mail ID of Head
School of Social Sciences and Policy
Department of Development Studies Prof. Krishnan Chalil hod.dvs@cusb.ac.in
Department of Economic Studies and Policies Prof. Rathi Kanta Kumbhar hod.eco@cusb.ac.in
Department of Political Studies Prof. Pranav Kumar hod.pcs@cusb.ac.in
Department of Sociological Studies Prof. Anil Kumar Singh Jha hod.soc@cusb.ac.in
Historical Studies and Archaeology Dr. Sudhanshu Kumar Jha (I/C) hod.his@cusb.ac.in
School of Human Science
Department of Psychological Sciences Prof. Dharmendra Kumar Singh hod.psy@cusb.ac.in
School of Language and literature
Department of Hindi Prof. Suresh Chandra hod.hin@cusb.ac.in
Department of English Prof. Vipin Kumar Singh hod.eng@cusb.ac.in
School of Media, arts and Aesthetics
Department of Mass Communication and Media Prof. Atish Prashar hod.cms@cusb.ac.in
School of Law and Governance
Department of Law and Governance Prof. Sanjay Prakash Srivastava hod.dlg@cusb.ac.in
School of Management
Department of Commerce and Business Studies Prof. Brajesh Kumar hod.cbs@cusb.ac.in
Building Name : Malaviya Bhawan
Name of Department Name of the Head E-mail ID of Head
School of Education
Department of Teacher Education Prof. Kaushal Kishore hod.dte@cusb.ac.in
Department of Physical Education Dr. Ashish Kumar singh hod.phed@cusb.ac.in
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