Department of Agriculture

About Department
Vision and Mission
Academic Program

Department of Agriculture

Agriculture including the production, processing, promotion, and distribution of crops and livestock products plays a critical role in Indian economy. It also provides employment opportunities to a very large percentage of the population. Therefore, career in Agriculture is one of the largest industries and a good source of employment across the country.

Agricultural Science is a multidisciplinary field comprising of a variety of scientific, technical and business subjects that promotes the efficient production of quality food in the agricultural-food industry and on the farm linked to the farming. In India, career in agriculture is one of the preferred choices of the science students as this field can easily lead the agriculture graduate aspirants to deal with agricultural sales, agriculture business, and food production. Opportunities for higher studies and self-employment are also available in this field. Agriculture is the backbone of Bihar’s economy 77% of workforce and generating nearly 24.84% of the State Domestic Product. The percentage of population employed in agriculture production system in Bihar is estimated to 77%, which is much higher than the national average. Therefore, more agricultural universities are required in this state to inspire students for studying this subject for the robust growth of the agriculture sector. However, the South Bihar region lacks Universities/Institutes offering Agricultural Science as regular courses at the undergraduate level.


Board of Studies (BoS)

BoS is a statutory body for each department/centre, primarily responsible for syllabus design and regular update. As described in the Ordinance section 25.10,

The functions of the Board of Studies shall be:-

  • To recommend to the School Board, courses of studies offered by the Department/Centre and continue updating syllabus;
  • To take all steps in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations about teaching and evaluation of various courses/programmes of the Department/Centre;
  • To recommend to the School Board measures for the improvement of teaching and research in the Department/Centre;
  • To constitute panels of experts to be considered for appointment as Examiners, Board of Examiners for various courses/academic programmes and M.Phil./Ph.D. thesis representing various specializations of Departments/Centres; and
  • To perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the School Board, the Academic Council, the Executive Council and the Vice-Chancellor.

Department Committee (DC)

As enshrined in the Ordinace-26, the Department/Centre Committee (DC/CC) shall consist of the Head of the Department/Centre, as Chairperson ex-officio, and all faculty members of the Department/Centre.

26.2 The Department/Centre Committee shall have the following functions, namely–

  • To make proposals to the Board of Studies on academic programmes concerning teaching and research, and the creation, specialization and abolition of teaching posts;
  • To propose schemes for the maintenance and improvement of the standards of various programmes of study and research of the Department/Centre;
  • To apportion the teaching and co-curricular work of the Department/Centre among the teachers thereof and monitor the proper execution thereof;
  • To consider and decide on the assignment and utilisation of the space, equipment and other assets of the Department/Centre and other matters of general and academic interest of the Department/Centre;
  • To consider and recommend perspectives and major thrust areas for research and to propose research projects to be taken up by the members of the Department/Centre, individually/collectively;
  • To review and apprise the SRC/URC with the current status of research in Department/Centre;
  • To suggest to SRC/URC norms related to qualifications and research experience of a faculty to be recognized as a research degree supervisor and to constitute Department/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRC/CRC);
  • To suggest to University Admission, Teaching and Evaluation Committee (UATEC) on any issue related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation in courses and students’ assessment of courses, offered by the Department/Centre to improve quality of education.
  • To constitute such Committee(s) comprising members of the Department/Centre, and if necessary external experts, for framing and implementation of rules and regulations related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation, maintenance of students’ records including alumni affairs as well as promotion of research and development; and
  • To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Ordinances or Regulations, or by the Vice- Chancellor/Dean/School Board from time to time.

Department Research Degree Committee (DRDC)

Departmental/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRDC/CRDC) deal with all matters connected with the Ph.D. Programme of the Department and report the matter to the University Research Degree Committee (URDC), as per University Ordinance-33. It consists of the Head of Department/Centre as Chairman and other faculties in the department.

Functions of DRDC/CRDC are as follows:

  • Allotment of Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, recording reasons for not admitting a candidate.
  • Recommendation for extension of time for submission of thesis
  • Recommendation to peruse a part of research outside the University
  • Approval of the Course Work
  • Assessment and Grading in Course Work
  • Monitoring the research progress of the candidate
  • Approval of Research plan proposal/language
  • Sanction of duty leave to the Ph.D. candidate
  • Assessment of Ph.D. work through pre-submission seminar
  • Maintaining the record of research paper publications of the candidate
  • 11 Recommendation of panel of experts for thesis evaluation
  • Assessment of revised thesis for satisfactory compliance, if any
  • Arrangement of Viva-voce in the absence of the supervisor
  • Recommendation to waive the Viva-voce

Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

A Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is constituted for every research scholar admitted in PhD programme. The Committee would guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and to To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar. The committee shall have also have power to recommend the co-supervisor and cancellation of registration


To create social and economic prosperity and well-being for the nation and world through the discoveries, learning and engagement. To produce agricultural graduates with high knowledge and competence by imparting practical and technical education through innovative and analytical approaches with an objective to create valuable manpower for sustainable agriculture, Argo- industry and contribution to the society.


We prepare students, create and apply unbiased knowledge through advances in science and technology and drive economic development to improve the quality of life in our nation and the world. We fulfill the land-grant mission by embracing an interdisciplinary approach to achieve new scientific breakthroughs that translate into discoveries and meet grand challenges involving food, farming, fiber, feed, families, health, energy, water and the environment.

  • To provide the best possible infrastructure and facilities for innovative teaching and learning agricultural subjects.
  • To establish a centre of excellence to promote academia – Agro-Industry interface and partnerships for enthusing competence of students as per needs of the Industry.
  • To empower students with latest agricultural techniques and skills to promote their employability and encourage them to become agro-entrepreneurs, with emphasis on practical-oriented teaching to develop skills and analytical capability of students.

Sl. No.

Name of Faculty






Prof. Ram Ashish Yadav


Dean and Head, Dept. of Agriculture

Professor (Agronomy)


Former-Professor and Director- Seed and Farm, C. S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur (U.P.)


Agronomy, Seed Production Technology, Production Technology of Rabi and Kharif Crops, Weed and Weed Management, Precision and Organic Farming, Fertilizer and Irrigation Management, and Sustainable Agriculture.



Prof. Prabhat Kumar Singh


Professor of Practice- Animal Husbandry


Former- Additional Director, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of U.P., Lucknow (U.P.)


Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Diversification, Animal Breeding, Embryo Transfer Technology, Sexed Semen Production Technology, Dairy Science, Fodder Management, Veterinary Science and Fisheries.



Dr. Pranav Tripathi


Assistant Professor- Genetics and Plant Breeding


Former- Scientist, THSTI- An Autonomous institute of Dept of Biotechnology, Faridabad (Haryana)


Genetics, Molecular Biology, Nanotechnology, Lateral Flow Assay, Agricultural Biotechnology, Biochemical Analyses, Aptamer, Intellectual Property Rights, Molecular Insights to Plant Breeding, and Biosensors.



Dr. Hemant Kumar Singh


Assistant Professor-Horticulture


Former-Scientist (Horticulture), Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour,  (Bihar)


Production Technology of Fruit and Plantation Crops, Vegetables and Spices, Ornamentals Plant, and Landscaping, Post-Harvest Management and Value Addition, Planting Materials, Horticulture Improvement, and Vegetable Breeder.




Sl. No.






Prof. Krishnan Chalil


Professor (Economics)


Agricultural Economics, Agriculture Marketing Trade and Price, Banking, Development Studies, e-Governance, Higher Education, Gender and Tribal Studies, Finance and Cooperation.



Prof. (Dr.) R. K. Singh


Former- Professor, University of Allahabad, Prayagraj (U.P.)


Interpersonal Skill in Communication, Effective Vocabulary in English Language, Linguistics and Personality Development.



Prof. Roushan Kumar



Elementary Mathematics, Wave propagation in Thermoelastic Medium, Thermoelastic Diffusion and Mechanical Vibrations



Dr. Gautam Kumar


Assistant Professor


Plant Physiology, Molecular Biology, Crop Improvement, Plant Pathology, Plant Biochemistry and Metabolism.



Dr. Jawaid Ahsan


Assistant Professor


Drosophila Neurobiology, Entomology, Neuroscience, Neurotoxicology



Dr. Vikal Kumar Singh


Assistant Professor (Geography)


Micropaleontology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Groundwater Analysis, Water Conservation and Soil Fertility Management.



Dr. Aditya Mohanty


Assistant Professor (Development Studies)


Rural Sociology, Participatory Governance, Natural Resource Management and Sociology of Development.



Dr. Somnath Bera


Assistant Professor (Geography)


Disaster Risk and Resilience; Sustainability in Changing Environment; and Application of Spatial Data Science



Lt. (Dr.) Pragya Gupta


Assistant Professor (Education)


Educational Psychology, Inclusive Education, National Cadet



Mrs. Renu


Assistant Professor (Commerce)


Human Resource Management and National Service Schemes (NSS)


Department of Agriculture

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