
News and Event (Archived)

Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement Programme

Consolidated News and Event (Archived)

2021 Events

2020 Events

2019 Events

2018 Events

2017 Events

Title Published Date
Inauguration of Sehat Kendra at CUSB by Red Ribbon Club (RCC) 06-07-21
7-Day International Workshop on Yoga June 15-21,2021 25-06-21
Free Covid-19 Vaccination Drive at CUSB 25-06-21
National Workshop on Stages of Criminal Trial and Rights of Victims at CUSB on 19th June 2021 25-06-21
CUSB student Manish cracks 64th BPSC with 221 Rank, gets Revenue Officer Post 09-06-21
World Environment Day Celebration at CUSB, Webinar on “Ecosystem Restoration” 08-06-21
Pledge for Saying No to Tobacco taken at CUSB on 31st May 2021 08-06-21
Anti-Terrorism Pledge taken by CUSB family on 21st May 2021 21-05-21
1st CUSB National Online Conference on Women Empowerment and Role of Legal Services Authority 09-03-21
Experts discuss Rejuvenation through Yoga techniques at CUSB 01-03-21
राष्ट्रप्रेम की संवेदना के साथ विद्यार्थी करें शोध: सुनील अम्बेकर 01-03-21
CUSB Library becomes fully Automated with RFID & MyLoft systems 04-02-21
Online Training Program on the Topic ‘Basics of Disaster Management’ 01-02-21
Republic Day 2021 Celebration at CUSB 27-01-21
Three-day training programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction at CUSB 13-01-21
Webinar on National Youth Day at CUSB 13-01-21
Webinar on “Ideals of Constitution of India” organised by SLG of CUSB 27-11-20
संविधान दिवस के अवसर पर सीयूएसबी में पढ़ी गई प्रस्तावना 27-11-20
NEP 2020 would bring a revolution in Indian Education System, CUSB VC Prof. H.C.S. Rathore 16-09-20
सीयूएसबी में हिन्दी दिवस समारोह के साथ हिन्दी पखवाड़ा प्रारंभ 16-09-20
‘भारतीय भाषाओं का साहित्य और सामासिक संस्कृति की विरासत’ विषय पर दो दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय ई-संगोष्ठी का आयोजन 11-09-20
International Webinar Series to Commemorate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi during August 24-31, 2020 11-09-20
Webinar on Evolution of Universe organised by CUSB’s Physics department 19-08-20
Independence Day Celebration at CUSB 17-08-20
सीयूएसबी में ‘साहित्य, समाज और मूल्यबोध’ विषय पर वेबिनार का आयोजन 17-08-20
National Webinar on ‘National Education Policy-2020: Features & Prospects’ at CUSB 10-08-20
CUSB Ranked No. 1 University in Bihar in Education World India 2020 Ranking 10-06-20
National Seminar on Media Discourse on National Security and Perspectives on Social Concerns 01-04-20
Three-day National Conference on Advance Materials and Nuclear Science 31-03-20
Workshop on Rewriting Indian History: Challenges and Social Consequences 31-03-20
Workshop-cum-Training on Innovation Pedagogy 30-03-20
Gandhi Fellowship Placement drive at CUSB 30-03-20
Expert discussed Fundamental duties at CUSB as part of Constitution Day celebration 29-03-20
71st Republic Day Celebration at CUSB 04-02-20
Constitution Day Celebration at CUSB during November 21 – 26, 2019 04-02-20
Six-day Workshop on Innovation Pedagogy was organized by Education Department of CUSB during December 03-08, 2019 06-01-20
Panel Discussion on Dr. Rajendra Prasad, First President of India at CUSB on 3rd December, 2019 06-01-20
Placement Drive by Azim Premji Foundation at CUSB on November 19, 2019 05-12-19
Panel Discussion on “New Directions in Development Research: Contributions of Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer” at CUSB 05-12-19
समाजकार्य में क्षेत्र-अध्ययन की भूमिका पर सीयूएसबी में विशेष व्याख्यान 05-12-19
On National Education Day contributions of Maulana Azad as India’s First Education Minister was remembered at CUSB 16-11-19
Three-day Book Exhibition at CUSB orgasined by Central Library during November 04-06,2019 07-11-19
Lecture by JNU Professor V. Subramanian 07-11-19
Placement talk at CUSB by Gandhi Fellowship – Piramal Foundation 07-11-19
Dept. of Psychology of CUSB organised World Mental Health Week during October 14-16, 2019 07-11-19
केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में गाँधी जी के 150 वें जयंती वर्ष पर विशेष पखवाड़े का समापन 03-10-19
सीयूएसबी में 13 से 27 सितम्बर के बीच आयोजित हिन्दी पखवाड़ा संपन्न 03-10-19
Guest Lecture by BARC Scientist Dr. Hari S. Misra at CUSB 24-09-19
सृष्टि के संरक्षण के लिए वैदिक गणित काफी बहुमूल्य ! स्वामी निश्चलानन्द सरस्वती 20-09-19
सीयूएसबी में हिन्दी दिवस एवं हिन्दी पखवाड़े (13- 27 सितम्बर, 2019) का आयोजन 20-09-19
सीयूएसबी के विद्यार्थियों ने रिकॉर्ड 8 स्कूलों में चलाया स्वच्छता एवं जल संरक्षण अभियान 20-09-19
Teacher’s Day celebrated with fervour at CUSB 11-09-19
Colonel R. K. Singh assumed charge as new Registrar of CUSB on 29th August, 2019 11-09-19
Colonel R. K. Singh assumed charge as new Registrar of CUSB on 29th August, 2019 11-09-19
First Lightning Sensor of Bihar to set up in CUSB 11-09-19
सीयूएसबी में तुलसीदास स्मरण समारोह का आयोजन 11-09-19
सीयूएसबी में मनाया गया राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस
73rd Independence Day celebrated at CUSB with fervour and enthusiasm 19-08-19
Talk by Prof. Tirthankar Roy from London School of Economics at CUSB 08-08-19
Orientation of newly enrolled students on 19th July 23-07-19
Two-day special lecture on English novels delivered by Prof. Murari Prasad during April 29-30, 2019 17-06-19
Earth Day celebrated at CUSB 24-04-19
CUSB Law students win National Moot Court Competition at BHU 09-04-19
सीयूएसबी में कला प्रदर्शनी ‘ रंगार्पण ‘ का आयोजन 09-04-19
National Workshop on “Applications of STATA and EViews Packages for Analysis of Socio-Economic Data” at CUSB during March 26-28, 2019 06-04-19
Three-day workshop on Pedagogic and Assessment Techniques at CUSB 02-04-19
Two-day workshop on Phonetics and Communication Skills organised by English Dept. of CUSB 02-04-19
International Women’s Day celebration at CUSB 13-03-19
सीयूएसबी में वार्षिक खेल उत्सव ‘ इंद्रधनुष ‘ – 2019 का 8 से 12 मार्च तक सफल आयोजन 12-03-19
सीयूएसबी के दौरे पर आई त्रिपुरा यूनिवर्सिटी की टीम 06-03-19
सीयूएसबी ने मनाया अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस 06-03-19
Road Safety Workshop at CUSB 06-03-19
“Debate Premier League, Season-II” organised by School of Law & Governance 08-02-19
Lecture on Leadership by Vice Admiral (Retd.) Shekhar Sinha on 05th February 2019 07-02-19
सीयूएसबी में शहीद दिवस के अवसर पर दी गई राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी को श्रृद्धांजलि 04-02-19
सीयूएसबी में धूमधाम से मनाया गया 70 वां गणतंत्र दिवस 28-01-19
Lecture by CUSB VC Prof. H.C.S. Rathore on Historical Research 22-01-19
Competition to Create Awareness about the Legal Rights of Women 21-01-19
Four-day workshop on Academic Leadership at CUSB 18-12-18
Five-day workshop on INFLIBNET at CUSB 18-12-18
सीयूएसबी में रिकॉर्ड 2500 पेड़ लगाए गए 28-11-18
छात्रों ने दिखाया मोबाइल कैमरे का कमाल 28-11-18
Mental Health Awareness Week 28-11-18
केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में हिंदी दिवस पखवाड़े का औपचारिक उद्घाटन 15-09-18
CUSB celebrates National Sports Day 03-09-18
Orientation programme of Ek Bharat, Shreshta Bharat 29-08-18
Independence Day Celebration ! स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह 23-08-18
CUSB Celebrates International Day of Yoga at Panchanpur 28-06-18
World Environment Day celebrated at CUSB 06-06-18
सीयूएसबी में वीर कुँवर सिंह 160वें जन्मदिवस पर व्याख्यान का आयोजन 02-05-18
Beyond Horizon – A motivational talk by Mr. Rajesh Kumar DIG (Central) Patna 01-05-18
Earth Day Celebrated at CUSB on 23rd April 2018 01-05-18
Earth Day Celebrated at CUSB on 23rd April 2018 01-05-18
Regional Workshop on Research Based Pedagogical Tools by CBS 18-04-18
2nd Convocation of Central University of South Bihar 17-04-18
CUSB conducts Alumni Meet 2018 17-04-18
Guest lecture by Dr. Irfan Ahmad Ghazi on Bioremediation 14-03-18
सीयूएसबी ने मनाया 69 वां गणतंत्र दिवस 07-02-18
National Youth Day celebrated at CUSB 17-01-18
सीयूएसबी ने मनाया सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह 24-11-17
CUSB observes National Unity Day on 31st October 22-11-17
CUSB observes Swachhta Hi Seva pakhwada during 15th September to 2nd September, 2017 22-11-17
सीयूएसबी में हिंदी दिवस एवं हिंदी पखवाड़े का आयोजन 09-10-17
Guest Lecture on Social Entrepreneurship by Mr. Munna Kumar at CUSB 03-10-17
7-days National Training Programme on Pedagogical Techniques Under PMMMNMTT Scheme at CUSB 03-10-17
Guest lecture by Mr. Faiyaz A. Khudsar on ‘Wildlife Conservation’ at CUSB 03-10-17
CUSB fraternity join hands to help flood-affected people of Bihar 08-09-17
Facets of life portrayed in MobiClick Exhibition at CUSB 25-08-17
CUSB celebrates 71st Independence Day 21-08-17
Five-days training programme on ‘Development of e-Resources’ 21-08-17
CUSB vows to make new India by 2022 21-08-17
सीयूएसबी ने मनाया राष्ट्रीय हथकरघा दिवस 21-08-17
Five days national workshop on Teaching through Fine Arts at CUSB 15-06-17
First prize to CUSB documentary “Kinnar” at Patliputra Cine Fest 15-06-17
Hindi Journalism Day celebrated at CUSB on 30th May, 2017 31-05-17
“Srijan-17”: Annual documentary film screening at CUSB 22-05-17
National Seminar on Psychology 10-04-17
Education in Digital Era: Concerns & Challenges 10-04-17
Human Rights Awareness Programme 10-04-17
National seminar on Life Science at CUSB on Feb 20 – 21 24-02-17
Republic Day Celebration 2017 31-01-17
CUSB among top 10 institutions in registrations for cashless campaign 27-12-16
CUSB organised 1st Intra-Moot Court Competition 05-12-16
CUSB Celebrates Constitution Day 03-12-16
CUSB pupils get tips on drug design 23-11-16
CUSB takes pledge for World Peace in “Deep Utsav” 16-11-16
CUSB vows for National Unity on 141st birth anniversary of Sardar Patel 09-11-16
CUSB faculty Dr. Ram Kumar felicitated by the Zoological Society of India 25-10-16
CUSB student Ms. Preeti Dubey felicitated at IAPT Convention in Gandhinagar 24-10-16
World Mental Health Day Celebration at CUSB 21-10-16
Workshop about Gandhi Fellowship organised at CUSB 07-10-16
CUSB remembers Shaheed Bhagat Singh on 109th Birth Anniversary 30-09-16
CUSB girls students showcase extraordinary talent in Fresher’s Party 26-09-16
CUSB celebrates International Peace Day 24-09-16
हिंदी पखवाड़े के अंतर्गत सीयूएसबी में कार्यशाला का आयोजन 24-09-16
CUSB observes Swachh Bharat Pakhwada during September 01-15, 2016 23-09-16
CUSB observes Azaadi 70-Pakhwada during August 9-23, 2016 23-09-16
CUSB faculty Dr. Rajesh Kr. Ranjan and Dr. Prashant gets Drinking Water project 22-09-16
Independence Day Celebration 22-09-16
Inspired Teacher 04-04-16
Republic Day Celebration 01-04-16
International Conference on Biotechnology 30-03-16
Blood Donation Camp 29-03-16

(Archived) Student / Academic Highlights

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