Inauguration of Sehat Kendra at CUSB by Red Ribbon Club (RCC) |
06-07-21 |
7-Day International Workshop on Yoga June 15-21,2021 |
25-06-21 |
Free Covid-19 Vaccination Drive at CUSB |
25-06-21 |
National Workshop on Stages of Criminal Trial and Rights of Victims at CUSB on 19th June 2021 |
25-06-21 |
CUSB student Manish cracks 64th BPSC with 221 Rank, gets Revenue Officer Post |
09-06-21 |
World Environment Day Celebration at CUSB, Webinar on “Ecosystem Restoration” |
08-06-21 |
Pledge for Saying No to Tobacco taken at CUSB on 31st May 2021 |
08-06-21 |
Anti-Terrorism Pledge taken by CUSB family on 21st May 2021 |
21-05-21 |
1st CUSB National Online Conference on Women Empowerment and Role of Legal Services Authority |
09-03-21 |
Experts discuss Rejuvenation through Yoga techniques at CUSB |
01-03-21 |
राष्ट्रप्रेम की संवेदना के साथ विद्यार्थी करें शोध: सुनील अम्बेकर |
01-03-21 |
CUSB Library becomes fully Automated with RFID & MyLoft systems |
04-02-21 |
Online Training Program on the Topic ‘Basics of Disaster Management’ |
01-02-21 |
Republic Day 2021 Celebration at CUSB |
27-01-21 |
Three-day training programme on Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction at CUSB |
13-01-21 |
Webinar on National Youth Day at CUSB |
13-01-21 |
Webinar on “Ideals of Constitution of India” organised by SLG of CUSB |
27-11-20 |
संविधान दिवस के अवसर पर सीयूएसबी में पढ़ी गई प्रस्तावना |
27-11-20 |
NEP 2020 would bring a revolution in Indian Education System, CUSB VC Prof. H.C.S. Rathore |
16-09-20 |
सीयूएसबी में हिन्दी दिवस समारोह के साथ हिन्दी पखवाड़ा प्रारंभ |
16-09-20 |
‘भारतीय भाषाओं का साहित्य और सामासिक संस्कृति की विरासत’ विषय पर दो दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय ई-संगोष्ठी का आयोजन |
11-09-20 |
International Webinar Series to Commemorate 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi during August 24-31, 2020 |
11-09-20 |
Webinar on Evolution of Universe organised by CUSB’s Physics department |
19-08-20 |
Independence Day Celebration at CUSB |
17-08-20 |
सीयूएसबी में ‘साहित्य, समाज और मूल्यबोध’ विषय पर वेबिनार का आयोजन |
17-08-20 |
National Webinar on ‘National Education Policy-2020: Features & Prospects’ at CUSB |
10-08-20 |
CUSB Ranked No. 1 University in Bihar in Education World India 2020 Ranking |
10-06-20 |
National Seminar on Media Discourse on National Security and Perspectives on Social Concerns |
01-04-20 |
Three-day National Conference on Advance Materials and Nuclear Science |
31-03-20 |
Workshop on Rewriting Indian History: Challenges and Social Consequences |
31-03-20 |
Workshop-cum-Training on Innovation Pedagogy |
30-03-20 |
Gandhi Fellowship Placement drive at CUSB |
30-03-20 |
Expert discussed Fundamental duties at CUSB as part of Constitution Day celebration |
29-03-20 |
71st Republic Day Celebration at CUSB |
04-02-20 |
Constitution Day Celebration at CUSB during November 21 – 26, 2019 |
04-02-20 |
Six-day Workshop on Innovation Pedagogy was organized by Education Department of CUSB during December 03-08, 2019 |
06-01-20 |
Panel Discussion on Dr. Rajendra Prasad, First President of India at CUSB on 3rd December, 2019 |
06-01-20 |
Placement Drive by Azim Premji Foundation at CUSB on November 19, 2019 |
05-12-19 |
Panel Discussion on “New Directions in Development Research: Contributions of Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer” at CUSB |
05-12-19 |
समाजकार्य में क्षेत्र-अध्ययन की भूमिका पर सीयूएसबी में विशेष व्याख्यान |
05-12-19 |
On National Education Day contributions of Maulana Azad as India’s First Education Minister was remembered at CUSB |
16-11-19 |
Three-day Book Exhibition at CUSB orgasined by Central Library during November 04-06,2019 |
07-11-19 |
Lecture by JNU Professor V. Subramanian |
07-11-19 |
Placement talk at CUSB by Gandhi Fellowship – Piramal Foundation |
07-11-19 |
Dept. of Psychology of CUSB organised World Mental Health Week during October 14-16, 2019 |
07-11-19 |
केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में गाँधी जी के 150 वें जयंती वर्ष पर विशेष पखवाड़े का समापन |
03-10-19 |
सीयूएसबी में 13 से 27 सितम्बर के बीच आयोजित हिन्दी पखवाड़ा संपन्न |
03-10-19 |
Guest Lecture by BARC Scientist Dr. Hari S. Misra at CUSB |
24-09-19 |
सृष्टि के संरक्षण के लिए वैदिक गणित काफी बहुमूल्य ! स्वामी निश्चलानन्द सरस्वती |
20-09-19 |
सीयूएसबी में हिन्दी दिवस एवं हिन्दी पखवाड़े (13- 27 सितम्बर, 2019) का आयोजन |
20-09-19 |
सीयूएसबी के विद्यार्थियों ने रिकॉर्ड 8 स्कूलों में चलाया स्वच्छता एवं जल संरक्षण अभियान |
20-09-19 |
Teacher’s Day celebrated with fervour at CUSB |
11-09-19 |
Colonel R. K. Singh assumed charge as new Registrar of CUSB on 29th August, 2019 |
11-09-19 |
Colonel R. K. Singh assumed charge as new Registrar of CUSB on 29th August, 2019 |
11-09-19 |
First Lightning Sensor of Bihar to set up in CUSB |
11-09-19 |
सीयूएसबी में तुलसीदास स्मरण समारोह का आयोजन |
11-09-19 |
सीयूएसबी में मनाया गया राष्ट्रीय खेल दिवस |
73rd Independence Day celebrated at CUSB with fervour and enthusiasm |
19-08-19 |
Talk by Prof. Tirthankar Roy from London School of Economics at CUSB |
08-08-19 |
Orientation of newly enrolled students on 19th July |
23-07-19 |
Two-day special lecture on English novels delivered by Prof. Murari Prasad during April 29-30, 2019 |
17-06-19 |
Earth Day celebrated at CUSB |
24-04-19 |
CUSB Law students win National Moot Court Competition at BHU |
09-04-19 |
सीयूएसबी में कला प्रदर्शनी ‘ रंगार्पण ‘ का आयोजन |
09-04-19 |
National Workshop on “Applications of STATA and EViews Packages for Analysis of Socio-Economic Data” at CUSB during March 26-28, 2019 |
06-04-19 |
Three-day workshop on Pedagogic and Assessment Techniques at CUSB |
02-04-19 |
Two-day workshop on Phonetics and Communication Skills organised by English Dept. of CUSB |
02-04-19 |
International Women’s Day celebration at CUSB |
13-03-19 |
सीयूएसबी में वार्षिक खेल उत्सव ‘ इंद्रधनुष ‘ – 2019 का 8 से 12 मार्च तक सफल आयोजन |
12-03-19 |
सीयूएसबी के दौरे पर आई त्रिपुरा यूनिवर्सिटी की टीम |
06-03-19 |
सीयूएसबी ने मनाया अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मातृभाषा दिवस |
06-03-19 |
Road Safety Workshop at CUSB |
06-03-19 |
“Debate Premier League, Season-II” organised by School of Law & Governance |
08-02-19 |
Lecture on Leadership by Vice Admiral (Retd.) Shekhar Sinha on 05th February 2019 |
07-02-19 |
सीयूएसबी में शहीद दिवस के अवसर पर दी गई राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी को श्रृद्धांजलि |
04-02-19 |
सीयूएसबी में धूमधाम से मनाया गया 70 वां गणतंत्र दिवस |
28-01-19 |
Lecture by CUSB VC Prof. H.C.S. Rathore on Historical Research |
22-01-19 |
Competition to Create Awareness about the Legal Rights of Women |
21-01-19 |
Four-day workshop on Academic Leadership at CUSB |
18-12-18 |
Five-day workshop on INFLIBNET at CUSB |
18-12-18 |
सीयूएसबी में रिकॉर्ड 2500 पेड़ लगाए गए |
28-11-18 |
छात्रों ने दिखाया मोबाइल कैमरे का कमाल |
28-11-18 |
Mental Health Awareness Week |
28-11-18 |
केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय में हिंदी दिवस पखवाड़े का औपचारिक उद्घाटन |
15-09-18 |
CUSB celebrates National Sports Day |
03-09-18 |
Orientation programme of Ek Bharat, Shreshta Bharat |
29-08-18 |
Independence Day Celebration ! स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह |
23-08-18 |
CUSB Celebrates International Day of Yoga at Panchanpur |
28-06-18 |
World Environment Day celebrated at CUSB |
06-06-18 |
सीयूएसबी में वीर कुँवर सिंह 160वें जन्मदिवस पर व्याख्यान का आयोजन |
02-05-18 |
Beyond Horizon – A motivational talk by Mr. Rajesh Kumar DIG (Central) Patna |
01-05-18 |
Earth Day Celebrated at CUSB on 23rd April 2018 |
01-05-18 |
Earth Day Celebrated at CUSB on 23rd April 2018 |
01-05-18 |
Regional Workshop on Research Based Pedagogical Tools by CBS |
18-04-18 |
2nd Convocation of Central University of South Bihar |
17-04-18 |
CUSB conducts Alumni Meet 2018 |
17-04-18 |
Guest lecture by Dr. Irfan Ahmad Ghazi on Bioremediation |
14-03-18 |
सीयूएसबी ने मनाया 69 वां गणतंत्र दिवस |
07-02-18 |
National Youth Day celebrated at CUSB |
17-01-18 |
सीयूएसबी ने मनाया सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह |
24-11-17 |
CUSB observes National Unity Day on 31st October |
22-11-17 |
CUSB observes Swachhta Hi Seva pakhwada during 15th September to 2nd September, 2017 |
22-11-17 |
सीयूएसबी में हिंदी दिवस एवं हिंदी पखवाड़े का आयोजन |
09-10-17 |
Guest Lecture on Social Entrepreneurship by Mr. Munna Kumar at CUSB |
03-10-17 |
7-days National Training Programme on Pedagogical Techniques Under PMMMNMTT Scheme at CUSB |
03-10-17 |
Guest lecture by Mr. Faiyaz A. Khudsar on ‘Wildlife Conservation’ at CUSB |
03-10-17 |
CUSB fraternity join hands to help flood-affected people of Bihar |
08-09-17 |
Facets of life portrayed in MobiClick Exhibition at CUSB |
25-08-17 |
CUSB celebrates 71st Independence Day |
21-08-17 |
Five-days training programme on ‘Development of e-Resources’ |
21-08-17 |
CUSB vows to make new India by 2022 |
21-08-17 |
सीयूएसबी ने मनाया राष्ट्रीय हथकरघा दिवस |
21-08-17 |
Five days national workshop on Teaching through Fine Arts at CUSB |
15-06-17 |
First prize to CUSB documentary “Kinnar” at Patliputra Cine Fest |
15-06-17 |
Hindi Journalism Day celebrated at CUSB on 30th May, 2017 |
31-05-17 |
“Srijan-17”: Annual documentary film screening at CUSB |
22-05-17 |
National Seminar on Psychology |
10-04-17 |
Education in Digital Era: Concerns & Challenges |
10-04-17 |
Human Rights Awareness Programme |
10-04-17 |
National seminar on Life Science at CUSB on Feb 20 – 21 |
24-02-17 |
Republic Day Celebration 2017 |
31-01-17 |
CUSB among top 10 institutions in registrations for cashless campaign |
27-12-16 |
CUSB organised 1st Intra-Moot Court Competition |
05-12-16 |
CUSB Celebrates Constitution Day |
03-12-16 |
CUSB pupils get tips on drug design |
23-11-16 |
CUSB takes pledge for World Peace in “Deep Utsav” |
16-11-16 |
CUSB vows for National Unity on 141st birth anniversary of Sardar Patel |
09-11-16 |
CUSB faculty Dr. Ram Kumar felicitated by the Zoological Society of India |
25-10-16 |
CUSB student Ms. Preeti Dubey felicitated at IAPT Convention in Gandhinagar |
24-10-16 |
World Mental Health Day Celebration at CUSB |
21-10-16 |
Workshop about Gandhi Fellowship organised at CUSB |
07-10-16 |
CUSB remembers Shaheed Bhagat Singh on 109th Birth Anniversary |
30-09-16 |
CUSB girls students showcase extraordinary talent in Fresher’s Party |
26-09-16 |
CUSB celebrates International Peace Day |
24-09-16 |
हिंदी पखवाड़े के अंतर्गत सीयूएसबी में कार्यशाला का आयोजन |
24-09-16 |
CUSB observes Swachh Bharat Pakhwada during September 01-15, 2016 |
23-09-16 |
CUSB observes Azaadi 70-Pakhwada during August 9-23, 2016 |
23-09-16 |
CUSB faculty Dr. Rajesh Kr. Ranjan and Dr. Prashant gets Drinking Water project |
22-09-16 |
Independence Day Celebration |
22-09-16 |
Inspired Teacher |
04-04-16 |
Republic Day Celebration |
01-04-16 |
International Conference on Biotechnology |
30-03-16 |
Blood Donation Camp |
29-03-16 |