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1st CUSB National Online Conference on Women Empowerment and Role of Legal Services Authority
“Empowering Women is the key to building a future we want” has been rightly observed by Amartya Sen, Nobel laureate and a founder of UNDP’s Human Development Index. With the same vision, 1st CUSB National Online Conference on the theme, “Women Empowerment and Role of Legal Services Authority” was organized by the Legal Aid Clinic in association with Literary and Debating Society, School of Law and Governance, Central University of South Bihar, from 7th March, 2021 to 8th March, 2021, latter being the International Women’s Day meant to commemorate the importance of women.

The program was organized under the sincere direction of Dr. Deo Narayan Singh, Assistant Professor of Law, School of Law and Governance, Central University of South Bihar, under astute guidance of whom, the Legal Aid Clinic at Central University of South Bihar has been continuously functioning since 8 years.

Organizing Secretary& Coordinator, Dr. Deo Narayan Singh
Inaugural Session
The inaugural session of the program commenced with warm greetings of Mrs. Poonam Kumari, Assistant Professor, School of Law and Governance, CUSB. The Head & Dean of the School of Law and Governance, Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar Mishra then whole-heartedly welcomed all the Chief Guest, Resource Persons, Speakers, Professors, Participants and Students and announced the commencement of the program. Dr. Deo Narayan Singh, the Organizing Secretary & Coordinator, then introduced the theme of program. The Chief Guest, Prof. (Dr.) Manik Chakraborty, Former Director & Advisor Amity University, UGC Academic Staff College and Former Head and Dean, Dept of Law, University of Burdwan, West Bengal, then eloquently provided an insight over the relevance of theme in today’s time. International and domestic laws protecting women, problem of women’s equality, her employment, and lack of implementation of laws were central issues of his deliberation.

Chief Guest, Prof. (Dr.) Manik Chakraborty
The Keynote Speaker, Prof. Pradeep Kr Singh, Professor, Faculty of Law, BHU discussed various issues pertaining to women like sexual assault, maintenance, dowry, cruelty and very frankly highlighted that there are enough provisions in law for empowerment of women but problem lies in the way society deals with women. Prof. Suresh Chandra, Dean, School of Languages and Literature, CUSB, Gaya, then explained the status of women in the present society and emphasized on the need of having new and creative solutions to encounter the problems of women. A heartfelt vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Deo Narayan Singh.
Technical Session - I

A Look at the Conference – Deliberations by Renowned Legal Luminaries
The first resource person, Shri. Vinod Kumar Chaurasia, Additional District and Session Judge, Ghaziabad, UP, made an effective assessment of the Legal Service Authorities in India by introspecting through Court Practices. He also held illiteracy and lack of awareness about the legal remedies among the masses to be challenges in the way of NALSA and SALSA.
The second resource person, Dr. Vandana Singh, Assistant Professor, USLLS, GGSIPU analyzed the functioning of Legal Services Authority, discussed ideals of justice, its link with law and society and even raised the problem of commercialization of legal profession, lower number of legal aid cells and lack of interest on the part of Government in providing legal aid services.
Then, there were presentations by participants followed by vote of thanks by Mr. Mani Pratap, Assistant Professor, SLG, CUSB.

Presentations by Participants

Session towards its Conclusion
The resource persons discussed and deliberated on various interdisciplinary areas and core issues pertaining to the theme and suggested the way forward. Many professionals, legal scholars and students shed light on the dark and harsh realities faced by women in their day-to-day lives through their papers, which will be published in the leading publication houses under the banner of Legal Aid. The Conference aimed at moulding well informed and aware citizens of the country on women rights and providing room of discourse, dissent, and discussion.
After the extravaganza performance of all participants and enlightening discussions by renowned legal luminaries on the Day 1 of the 1st CUSB National Online Conference, the Day 2 of the Conference began with the same enthusiasm and positive energy on the occasion of International Women’s day.
Technical Session - II
The second technical session of the Conference began at 1 p.m with Dr. Kumari Nitu, Assistant Professor, SLG, CUSB, cordially introducing the theme of the Conference. The first resource person, Prof. Rajneesh Kumar Patel, Professor, Faculty of Law, BHU discussed the vulnerability of women workers, their Human Rights and legal protection. He also foregrounded the glory of women during Vedic Period, its deterioration, financial weakness to be reason for their vulnerability, failure on the part of legislations to strengthen voices of women in unorganized sector and to prevent discrimination against non-working class women in his discussion.

Deliberations by Legal Dignitaries – Day 2
The second resource person on this day was Mr. Krishna Murari Yadav Assistant Professor, Law Center- 1, DU who highlighted the legislative and judicial perspective of Women Empowerment by exploring definition of woman, relevant Constitutional Provisions on equality of women, gender specific legislations, woman as individual, how in social and civil matters women exploit women, judicial pronouncements and by pointing out the lacunas in implementation of laws.
The third resource person, Dr. Yogendra Verma Associate Professor Head, PG Dept. Patna University discussed how judiciary is instrumental in empowerment of women through series of Supreme Court judgements like Saira Bano case, Vishka case, Vinita Sharma case and other landmark judgements. Then, there were presentations by participants.

Presentations by Participants – Day 2
The fourth resource person, Dr. Vani Bhushan Associate Professor and Former Head, PG Dept. Patna University spoke on Women Empowerment in India with Special Reference to International Convention. He primarily focused on history, Specific legislations and challenges in the way of empowerment of women. He called for a need to equate rural women pari passu with urban women in terms of education, employment and decision-making power.
The second technical session concluded with Dr. Deo Narayan Singh, proposing vote of thanks.
Valedictory Ceremony
The Head & Dean of the School of Law and Governance, Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar Mishra then gladly thanked all the Chief Guest, Resource Persons, Speakers, Professors, Participants and Students and announced the conclusion of the ceremony. The Chief Guest, Prof. Bhavani Prasad Panda, Director, School of Law, KIIT University & Former Vice-Chancellor of Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai, then congratulated all for organizing such majestic Conference. Prof. Krishnan Chalil, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Policy, CUSB, Gaya, then presented his thoughts on the theme which were pertaining to political empowerment of women and role of legal aid services followed by vote of thanks by Dr. Deo Narayan Singh.

Chief Guest Prof. Bhavani Prasad Panda
In addition, Prof. (Dr.) S.P. Srivastava, who was also the member of Advisory Committee, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Das, Dr. Digvijay Singh, Dr. Pallavi Singh and Dr. Anant Prakash Narayan also contributed towards making the Conference a grand success.
The event could not have been possible without the assistance of our Advertising Partners Nyayshastram, Kanooniyat, Katcheri, TOGETHERWCWW, Lex Cognizance and Nyaydristi. We are grateful for their support.
The 2-Day National Conference concluded in all its grandeur. All possible contours of the theme were discussed and deliberated at great lengths. Various thought-provoking ideas related to the definition of women, requirement of change in the mindset of society, and defects in procedural laws which benefit the perpetrator were emphatically raised. The esteemed panelists and presenters very succinctly explained the status quo of women and also gave policy recommendations for women’s welfare.
The event helped the young researchers, students, professionals and participants imbibe ethical values. It raised the awareness level of the participants about the rights of women and helped them gather various new insights about the theme. The event set the stage right for discourse, dissent, and discussion on various facets of a woman’s life and paved the way for reforms that can empower women and contribute in nation-building.