FPAC- Faculty Project Approval Committee
Any application for a sponsored project to an external funding agency is routed as a proposal. This describes the project aims and objectives, staff requirement, core competence and requirement of funds.
All sponsored project proposals shall be processed through the Project Monitoring/Administration Cell of the University. The project proposal should go through a Faculty Project Approval Committee (FPAC) of the School to identify and qualify various aspects of the project
Constitution of FPAC for School
16.3 The FPAC shall be constituted as under:
- Dean of the concerned School
- HoD of the concerned Department/Centre
- Two senior Professors of the Concerned School/Department/Centre
- One senior Professor of the Allied Department
- The P.I of the concerned project.
Three Professors as above shall be nominated by the VC on rotation basis every year.
The proposals evaluated and recommended by above committee shall be forwarded to Dy Reg (Acad) for processing and forwarding the evaluated and approved project to sponsoring agency for further consideration. For smooth