Sensitization, Prevention And Redressal of Sexual Harassment (SPARSH)
- Gender equity, including protection from sexual harassment and right to work with dignity is universally recognized as
- basic human right. Eradication of social evils has been the prime aim of Constitution of India. Article 15 of the
- Constitution of India prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race caste, sex, or place of birth. Article 42 makes
- provision for securing just and human conditions of work. Article 51-A(e) makes it incumbent on every citizen to
- promote harmony and spirit of the common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious,
- linguistic, and regional or sectional diversities; to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women. India is also a
- signatory to the convention on the “Elimination forms of discrimination against women.” Resultantly, the Central
- University of Bihar hereby introduces and enforces Ordinance titled “Sensitization, Prevention and Redressal of Sexual
- Harassment” (SPARSH).
SPARSH include –
- The Apex Body of SPARSH (ABS) and
- The University Complaints Committee (UCC).
The ABS aims to sensitize and work to prevent sexual harassment in the University. The UCC considers complaints
regarding sexual harassment, and responsible for conducting enquiries, suggesting suitable action.
ABS (Apex Body of SPARSH)
Functions, Powers and duties of ABS:
- To uphold the commitment of the Central University of Bihar to provide campus environment free of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment and other acts of gender-based violence.
- To promote a social and psychological environment which will raise awareness about gender based discrimination and prevent sexual harassment and other acts of gender based violence.
- To generate awareness about gender based discrimination, sexual harassment and other acts of gender based violence.
Committee Members

Composition of Internal Compliant Committee
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