School of Health Science

School of Health Science

About the school
The Schoold of Health Science has been established in 2020 to promote health education and research. The school host one department viz Department of Pharmacy and believes in multi-disciplinary approach of learning and fosters a culture of excellence in health research. Presently in Schools of Health Science at Department of Pharmacy is offering specialization in two programs M.Pharm Pharmaceutics and M. Pharm Pharmacology. The school has the aim to impart basic knowledge, training and skill to Pharmacy graduates along with latest technologies and developments of pharmaceutical sciences and to promote interdisciplinary and collaborative research aptitude to yield meaningful products and services to benefit society and the Nation.


  1. To develop a center of excellence in the research and education of health science with exchange of ideas, creativities, innovations, entrepreneurship by embellish detail understanding of basic knowledge to new technology.


  1. To encourage interdisciplinary and collaborative research in the field of health science, which will generate meaningful products and services for the Nation as a whole.
  2. To foster the values of entrepreneurship with sense of social and health responsibilities.
  3. To produce young graduates, competent and resilient to face the challenges of corporate and academic fields and excel in their ventures.
  4. To create skilled and competent health care professional with highest ethical standards.
  • School Board

  • Present Dean
Name Period Contact Image
Dr. Vivek Dave
Department of Pharmacy
2020-Onwards Contact: +91-631-2229-000
  • Former Deans
  1. Nil
Name of Staff Designation Email Telephone/ Extn. No
Mr. Shubham Kumar Pandey Lab Attendant 9546592393
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