- sandeepkr@cusb.ac.in
- sandeepkumar.education@gmail.com
- :
Specialization :
Teacher Education
7 Years/ 7 Years
Research Interests:
Research (in APA Style)
- Publications : 12
- Patent:
- Book:
The study was designed to study the capacity building and job satisfaction of primary school teachers and to assess the academic achievement of primary school students in relation to quality related interventions under SSA in Punjab. Descriptive survey method was used for investigation. Multi- stage random sampling technique was used to select two blocks randomly from each selected district and four schools from these blocks were selected randomly. Tools were developed by the investigator. The findings of the study indicated that due to SSA interventions, the capacity building and job satisfaction of teachers has improved. The results revealed that there was continuous progress in achievement of students in all the subjects of class I to V. The overall results indicated an improvement in capacity building and job satisfaction teachers in relation to quality related interventions and a progress in the academic achievement of students in the subjects of Punjab, English, Hindi and Mathematics.
- Kumar, S., & Grover, J. (2014). Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in Punjab: Scholastic Achievement of Second Standard Students, International Educational E-Journal, {Quarterly}, 3 (2), 139- 149, Online ISSN 2277-2456.
- Kumar, S., & Grover, J. (2017). Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Interventions: Study of Scholastic Achievement of Students of High and Low Literacy Rate Districts of Punjab, Educational Quest: An Int. J. of Education and Applied Social Science, 8 (1), 1- 6, Online ISSN: 2230-7311
- Kumar, S., & Grover, J. (2019). Job Satisfaction of Primary School Teachers in Punjab. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 6 (2), 56- 62, ISSN: 2348- 1269. UGC Journal Number 43602.
- Kumar, S. (2019). Perceptions of Teachers Towards the Quality of In-service Teacher Training Programme in Punjab. International Education & Research Journal, 5 (12), 8-13. E- ISSN: 2454-9916
- Patent: N.A
- Book: N.A
- . Awards: N.A
- Projects:N.A