Research and Development Cell
The Central University of South Bihar (CUSB), Gaya, is research-cum-teaching organization established by the Act of Parliament in 2009. The University faculty are involved in conducting basic as well as applied cross-cutting world class research. The research strength of the University is evident by its research publications in national and international journals of repute and the research grants earned by various faculty members from funding agencies like DBT, DST, JSPS, SERB, UNEP, UGC, ICMR, ICSSR, BRNS, MoEF etc. Also, the university department and schools have received financial support from DST-FIST and Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission of Teachers and Teaching. For the last five years, the faculty members have published a total of 469 research papers and written several book chapters and books. The total citation for the last five years is 3106 having an H-index of 83.
The University has bacterial culture, animal cell culture, plant tissue culture and central Instrumentation facilities. Also, the laboratories are equipped with Multiple HP and Dell workstations and servers, Accelrys, Schrodinger, AMBER & various open source/commercial softwares, Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer, UV-Vis-Spectrophotometer, CHNS Analyser, Ion Exchange Chromatography, Automated Solvent Extractor, Gas Chromatograph, Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy, Kjeldahl Nitrogen Assembly, Microwave Digestion System, Rotary Evaporator, Flame Photometer, BOD Incubator, Respirable Dust Sampler, RT-PCR, Gradient PCR, Electrophoresis Units, Gel Documentation systems, Low Temperature Cooling Water Baths, High Speed Cooling Centrifuges, Vacuum Concentrator, Nanodrop, CO2 Incubators, Refrigerator Incubated Shakers, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, FACS, IRGA Portable Photosynthesis System, Inverted Research Microscope with Computer System, Human Physiology Data Acquisition System, I-mark Micro plate Absorbance Reader (Elisa Reader), Microcentrifuges, Millipore Water Purification Systems, Remote Sensing and GIS laboratory, Gradient HPLC system with PDA detector, Zeta Sizer, Freeze Dryer (Lyophilizer), Ultrasonic Probe Sonicator, Rodent Behavioural Modules with Camera & Software, Ice Flaker, -20oC and -80oC Freezers, UV-Vis-NIR Absorption Spectrophotometer, Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer, Flash Chromatograph, Particle Size and Zeta-Potential Measurement System, Dip-Coater Rotary Evaporator, Muffle Furnace, Electrochemical Workstation, Microwave Synthesizer FTIR Spectrometer with ATR PRO, Steady State Spectrofluorometer, Muffle Furnace, X-Ray Diffraction, Dielectric Measurement System, PE Loop Ferroelectric Test System, D33 Meter, Manual Hydraulic Press Machine, Spin Coater, Geiger Muller Counting Systems, Gamma Ray Spectrometer with NaI (Tl), HPGe Detector, Cosmic Ray Telescope, PXIe-based DAQ, Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA), Neutron Detector and Tunnel Electron Microscope for teaching and research.
In CUSB, the faculty are working together considering SDG in mind to solve the societal problems. The Central University of South Bihar environment is such that biologists, bio-technologists, pharmaceutical scientists, chemists, physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, geologists, environmental scientists, and social and human scientists are carrying out collaborative research for societal benefits and for achieving goals of ‘Atma Nirbhar Bharat’ for sustainable developments.
The Research & Development Cell (RDC) in CUSB was established on 24.05.2022 vide notification No. CUSB/Dev/RDC/2022/620 dated 24.05.2023 (as per UGC Guidelines, March 2022).
- To put in place a robust mechanism for developing and strengthening the research ecosystem in CUSB, aligned with the provisions of NEP-2020.
- To create a conducive environment for enhanced research productivity.
- To encourage collaboration across industry, government, community-based organizations, and agencies at the local, national, and international levels.
- To facilitate greater access to research through the mobilization of resources and funding.
- Development of the Research Vision & Mission of the University as per the ordinance.
- Governance Structure for R & D Management & Research Infrastructure and Corpus Development.
- Human Resource Strategy for Research Staffing & Strategy for Research Excellence. Evolution of R & D Cell as a Strategic Unit (SU).

- Meetings of various committees were conducted & strategies were formulated.
- Formulated SoPs for the product development process.
- DST-STUTI Sponsored Training on “Advanced Immunological Tools and Techniques”. (19-25th September 2022) & “Developing Skills on Research Equipment in Physics & Biotechnology” (19-25th March 2023) organized.
- Collaboration & signing MoU with Academic and Research Organizations.
- Submitted SATHI proposal with IIT-P for infrastructure development.
- Single window system to resolve issues of Principal Investigators for improvement of research activities.
- GIS training and other training imparted to Master students.
- Webinar on Fulbright Fellowship for writing an effective grant application.
- Organized awareness program on copyright, artificial intelligence, and their role in research ethics and writing.
- Animal House facilities teaching and research.
- Research proposal screening mechanism in place for PI before submission for funding.