Purchase Section

Purchase Section

Purchase department help keep organizations financial healthy. They procure all businesses need specific goods, materials and equipment to meet operation needs.
The procurement department serves its internal departments by procuring the goods and services. They need in a timely manner while also maintaining the University financial health. They seek and purchase products and services at the best possible price and value. Purchasing department responsible for the procurement process. This means it ensures the supply of goods, Materials and equipment so that a smooth university process can for this, good must be procured at the right time, in the right quantity.
Name of staff Designation e-mail Telephone /Ext. No. Images
Mr. Pratish Kumar Das Deputy Registrar pratish@cub.ac.in 0631-2229522
Mr. Amit Kumar Assistant Registrar (Purchase) so1@cub.ac.in 0631-229 519
Mr. Vinod Kumar Section Officer vinod@cub.ac.in 208
Mr. Dharmendra Singh Lower Division Clerk dharmendrasingh@cusb.ac.in 209
Mr. Ravi Kumar Office Attendant ravi.kumar@cub.ac.in 209
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