- umeshsingh@cusb.ac.in
- umeshjnu@gmail.com
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Prof. Singh is involved in the source identification and monitoring of natural and anthropogenic contaminants in soil and water system. His research group is interested in finding the pathways of trace metals in a variety of systems (water, soil and plants). His research mostly focuses on arsenic, fluoride and other heavy metals studies and their ecological and health risk assessments in the riverine and groundwater bodies and develop methods to remove fluoride from the contaminated groundwater. In addition, his group also investigates the groundwater contamination from the leachates coming out of landfill sites along with methane gas monitoring and measurement to explore its impact on the global warming and climate change.
- Publications:
- Indrani Mukherjee, Umesh Kumar Singh, (2020) “Delineation of groundwater potential zones in a drought-prone semi-arid region of east India using GIS and analytical hierarchical process techniques” Catena https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.104681 (IF: 3. 851)
- Indrani Mukherjee, Umesh Kumar Singh, Rajeev Pratap Singh , Anshumali , Deepa Kumari , Pawan Kumar Jha , Pankaj Mehta (2019) “Characterization of heavy metal pollution in an anthropogenically and geologically influenced semi-arid region of east India and assessment of ecological and human health risks” Science of The Total Environment https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135801 (IF: 5.589)
- Indrani Mukherjee, Umesh Kumar Singh, (2019) “Fluoride abundance and their release mechanisms in groundwater along with associated human health risks in a geologically heterogeneous semiarid region of east India” Microchemical Journal https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2019.104304 (IF: 3.206)
- Sanjoy Shil , Umesh Kumar Singh, Pankaj Mehta (2019) “Water quality assessment of a tropical river using water quality index (WQI), multivariate statistical techniques and GIS” Applied Water Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s13201-019-1045-2
- Sanjoy Shil ,Umesh Kumar Singh (2019) “Health risk assessment and spatial variations of dissolved heavy metals and metalloids in a tropical river basin system” Ecological Indicators https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105455 (IF: 4.490)
- Indrani Mukherjee, Umesh Kumar Singh, Pulak Kumar Patra (2019) “Exploring a multi-exposure-pathway approach to assess human health risk associated with groundwater fluoride exposure in the semi-arid region of east India” Chemosphere https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.05.278 (IF: 5.108)
- Bhavisha Sharma, Barkha Vaish, Monika, Umesh Kumar Singh, Pooja Singh, Rajeev Pratap Singh (2019) “Recycling of Organic Wastes in Agriculture: An Environmental Perspective” International Journal of Environmental Research https://doi.org/10.1007/s41742-019-00175-y (IF: 1.10)
- Balwant Kumar,Umesh Kumar Singh (2018) “Source apportionment of heavy metals and their ecological risk in a tropical river basin system” Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2018) 25:25443–25457 (IF: 2.914); ISSN No. 0944-1344 (Print) 1614-7499 (Online)
- Subhajit Roy, Balwant Kumar, Abbhijit Chowdhury, Umesh Kumar Singh, Samit Ray (2018) “Characterization of hydrogeochemical process and evaluation of water quality of seven geothermal springs, Bakreswar, India” Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2018) 11: 314 (IF:0.86) ISSN No.1866-7511 (IF: 1.141)
- Umesh Kumar Singh, AL Ramanathan, V.Subramanian “Groundwater chemistry and human health risk assessment in the mining region of East Singhbhum, Jharkhand, India Chemosphere 204 (2018) 501 – 513. (IF: 5.108)
- Umesh Kumar Singh, Balwant Kumar “Climate change impacts on hydrology and water resources of Indian River basins” Current World Environment http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.13.1.04 Vol. 13, No. (1) 2018, 32-43 ISSN No.0973-4929
- Kumar B, Singh UK, Ojha SN “Evaluation of geochemical data of Yamuna River using WQI and multivariate statistical analyses: a case study” International Journal of River Basin Management, (2018) 17:2,143-155. ISSN No. 15715124
- Mukherjee I, Singh UK (2018) “Groundwater fluoride contamination, probable release and containment mechanisms: a review on indian context” Environmental Geochemistry and Health (2018) 40 : 2259–2301 (IF: 3.252) ISSN No. 02694042
- Kumar B, Singh UK, Mukherjee I (2017) “Hydrogeological Influence on the Transport and fate of Contaminants in the Groundwater, India” JSM Biol 2(1): 1009. ISSN No.2475-9392
- Shikha Sharma , Pawan Kumar Jha , Manju Rawat Ranjan , Umesh Kumar Singh, Manish Kumar and Tanu Jindal “Nutrient Chemistry of River Yamuna, India” Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2017) 61–70. ISSN No.09729860
- Arkabanee Mukherjee, M. Kundu, B. Basu, B. Sinha, M. Chatterjee, M. Das Bairagya , U.K. Singh , S. Sarkar “Arsenic load in rice ecosystem and its mitigation through deficit irrigation” Journal of Environmental Management 197 (2017) 89-95. (IF: 4.865) ISSN No. 0301-4797
- Shikha Sharma , Pawan Kumar Jha , Manju Rawat Ranjan , Umesh Kumar Singh and Tanu Jindal “ Water Quality Monitoring of Yamuna River by Using GIS Based Water Quality Index in Delhi, India” International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (2017) 6(2): 1249-1263.ISSN No.2319-7692
- Umesh Kumar Singh and Balwant Kumar “Pathways of heavy metals contamination and associated human health risk in Ajay River basin, India” Chemosphere 174 (2017) 183 – 199. (IF: 5.108) ISSN No. 00456535
- Shikha Sharma, Pawan Kumar Jha , Tanu Jindal , Manju Rawat Ranjan , Umesh Kumar Singh “Assessment of nutrient concentration in the sediment of Yamuna River, India” Pollution Research 36 (2017)114-120. ISSN: 0257-8050
- Rama Bhattacharya, S.N. Ojha, Umesh Kumar Singh “Risk Prediction of Heavy Metal Distribution in Groundwater of Durgapur using GIS Techniques” Indian Cartographer,Vol-36 ,Part-II, 2016 (ISSN:0972-8392) pg. 263-273
- Balwant Kumar, Umesh Kumar Singh “Role of Cartography in Environment Monitoring and Management to Appraise the Virtual Environment and Geographical Features” Indian Cartographer,Vol-36 ,Part-I, 2016 (ISSN:0972-8392) pg. 37- 44
- Umesh Kumar Singh Sneh Pratap Singh “Study of Water Quality and Assessment of Heavy Metals Pollution of River Damodar India, Using Index Analysis Approach” Indian Cartographer,Vol-36 ,Part-I, 2016 (ISSN:0972-8392) pg. 377- 386
- Manish Kumar, Aparna Das, Nilotpal Das, Ritusmita Goswami, Umesh Kumar Singh “Co-occurrence perspective of arsenic and fluoride in the groundwater of Diphu, Assam, Northeastern India” Chemosphere 150 (2016) 227 – 238. (IF: 5.108)
- Jyoti Prakash Deka, Sangeeta Singh, Pawan Kumar Jha, Umesh Kumar Singh, Manish Kumar “Imprints of long range transported pollution on high altitude Eastern Himalayan lake water chemistry” Environmental Earth Sciences (2016) 75:285 1-13.(IF:1.871) ISSN No.18666280
- Kumar Balwant, Singh Umesh Kumar, and Nayek Sukanta “A review of some Specific Air Pollutants and its exposure related to Human Health” International Research Journal of Environment Sciences Vol. 4(9), 1-5, (2015). ISSN No.2319-1414
- Damaraju Sivaramakrishna, Umesh Kumar Singh, Desi Sreekanth, Alok Bhandari “Denitrification in biofilm configured horizontal flow woodchip bioreactor: effect of hydraulic retention time and biomass growth” Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 15 (2015) 39–48. (IF: 1.661) ISSN No.1642-3593
- Manish Kumar, Pankaj Kumar, A.L. Ramanathan , Prosun Bhattacharya, Roger Thunvik , Umesh K. Singh , M. Tsujimura , Ondra Sracek “Arsenic enrichment in groundwater in the middle Gangetic Plain of Ghazipur District in Uttar Pradesh, India” Journal of Geochemical Exploration (2010) 105: 83-94. (IF: 3.472) ISSN No.0375-6742
- Manju Rawat, Umesh K. Singh and V. Subramanian “Movement of Toxic Metals from Small Scale Industrial Areas-A case study from Delhi, India” International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM) volume 5, Number 3 – 4 / 2010, 224-236. ISSN No.1478-9876
- Pawan Kumar Jha, Jaya Tewari, Umesh Kumar Singh, Manish Kumar and V. Subramanian “Chemical Weathering and Associated CO2 consumption in Godavari River Basin, India” Chemical Geology (2009) 264: 364 -374. (IF:3.618) ISSN No.00092541
- Manish Kumar, Kalpana Kumari, Umesh Kumar Singh, AL. Ramanathan “Hydrogeochemical processes in the groundwater environment of Muktsar, Punjab: Conventional graphical and multivariate statistical” Environmental Geology (2009) 57: 873 – 884. (IF:1.435) ISSN No.18666280
- Umesh Kumar Singh, Manish Kumar, Pawan K. Jha, Rita Chauhan, AL.Ramanathan and V. Subramanian “Assessment of the impact of landfill on groundwater quality: A case study of the Pirana site in western India” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2008) 141:309–321. (IF:1.959) ISSN No.01676369
- Manju Rawat,, Umesh K. Singh, Amit K. Mishra, and V. Subramanian “Methane Emission and Heavy Metals Quantification from Selected Landfill Areas in India” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2008) 137:67-74. (IF:1.959)
- Abhai Pratap Singh, C.K. Varshney and U.K. Singh “Seasonal variations in isoprene emission from deciduous tropical tree species” Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2007) 131:231-235. (IF:1.959)
- Patent :
- Process for preparation of absorbent material for production of low fluoride drinking water (Application no. 201711018552 and Publication date (U/S 11A) 30/11/2018; Grant date 25/06/2021).
- Books:
- Emerging Issues in Environmental Science Concerns and Management, Ed. PK Padhy, PK Patra & UK Singh (ISBN: 978-93-85503-77-1), New Delhi Publishers, New Delhi, India.
- Book Chapters:
- Umesh Kumar Singh and Manish Kumar (2008) “Groundwater quality monitoring in the vicinity of Pirana landfill site, Ahmedabad, India: Adequacy of conventional hydrochemical approach” In: Ramanathan AL, Bhattacharya P,Thangarajan ,M, (eds) ‘Assessment of Groundwater Resources and Management’ Balkemma Publications (pp 438-447).
- Sneh Pratap Singh and Umesh Kumar Singh (2016) “Assessment of Heavy Metals Load in Water and Sediment Alongside the Coal Mines and Industrial Belt of Damodar River Basin, India” In: A.V. Raman (ed) ISBN: 978-93-85022-73-9 ‘Geoanthropogenic Environment: An Appraisal’ A. K. Publications (pp 53-64).
- Balwant Kumar, Umesh Kumar Singh, Indrani Mukherjee and Basu Maan Daas (2016) “Water Quality Status of Indian Major Rivers with Reference to Agriculture and Drinking Purposes” In: A.V. Raman (ed) ISBN: 978-93-85022-73-9 ‘Geoanthropogenic Environment: An Appraisal’ A.K. Publications (pp 65-81).
- Kumar, U.K. Singh and Pankaj Mehta (2016): “Geothermal Energy – An Alternative Green Energy Source And Its Potential In Indian Context” Green Energy and Sustainable Environment, Ed. S. Chaudhury, A K Hazra & S Balachandran (ISBN-978-81-922916-6-6), Akshar Prakashani(pp 36-56)
- Mukherjee, U.K. Singh (2016): “Bioenergy-An Alternative Clean Energy And Its Status And Potential In India” In: “International Conference on Renewable Energy- Extension & Outreach” Green Energy and Sustainable Environment, Ed. S. Chaudhury, A K Hazra & S Balachandran (ISBN-978-81-922916-6-6), Akshar Prakashani (pp 193-214).
- Sanjoy Shil and Umesh Kumar Singh (2017) “Historical Aspects of Environmental Education in India” Environmental Education in India Through the Ages, Ed. Jayanta Mete & Subhankar Ghosh (ISBN-978-93-85503-68-9), New Delhi publishers (pp 284-292).
- Umesh Kumar Singh, Sneh Pratap Singh, Pankaj Kumar (2017) “Non Conventional Energy and its role in climate change mitigation: In context of India’s Renewable Energy Mission” Emerging Issues in Environmental Science Concerns and Management, PK Padhy, PK Patra & UK Singh (ISBN: 978-93-85503-77-1),New Delhi Publishers (pp 195-210).
- Abaidya Nath Singh, Devendra Mohan, Prashant Bhushan, Deepak Gautam, Umesh Kumar Singh, Pankaj Kumar (2017) “Emerging Contaminants –An Concise Overview” Emerging Issues in Environmental Science Concerns and Management, P.K. Padhy, P.K. Patra & U.K. Singh (ISBN: 978-93-85503-77-1), New Delhi Publishers (pp 121-134).
- Indrani Mukherjee,Umesh Kumar Singh (2018) "Assessment of Fluoride Contaminated Groundwater on Food Crops and Vegetables in Birbhum District of West Bengal, India" Advance Technologies in Agriculture for Doubling Farmer’s Income, Ed. K.C. Swain, A.K. Chatterjee & P. Kandasamy. (ISBN: 978-93-86453-61-7), New Delhi Publishers (pp 225-235).
- Indrani Mukherjee,Umesh Kumar Singh, Rajeev Pratap Singh (2021) “An Overview on Heavy Metal Contamination of Water System and Sustainable Approach for Remediation” Singh et al. (eds.), Water Pollution and Management Practices,(ISBN: 978-981-15-8357-5), Springer, Singapore, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8358-2_11 (pp 255-277).
- Anjali Bala, Pankaj Mehta, Umesh Kumar Singh (2021) “Water Pollution and Water Crisis” P.Bhusan et al.(eds.) Facets of Environmental Sciences (ISBN: 978–93-90674-05-3) (pp 30-62).
- Academic Achievement
- Visiting Faculty in Department of Civil Engineering at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA for the year 2011-2012.
- Visited University of California, Berkeley, City University of New York, Iowa State University, and The George Washington University, WDC.
- Recipient of the BOYSCAST FELLOWSHIP for the year 2010-2011.
- Recipient of the JAPAN GOVERNMENT FELLOWSHIP to do research work at The University of Tokyo for two years.
- University Grant Commission (UGC) Junior Research Fellowship and Lectureship (2002) in Environmental Science: Granted through a test conducted at national level for doing research anywhere in India for a period of five years.
- University Grant Commission (UGC) NET (2001) in Environmental Science: Granted through a test conducted at national level.
- Agriculture Scientist Recruitment Board, National Eligibility Test (2001) in Environmental Science: A national level test for the recruitment of Scientist and Research Scholars in various Agriculture Universities of India.
- All India Rank 1st in (M.Sc. Entrance Examination-1999), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
- All India Rank 2nd in (M.Phil/Ph.D Entrance Examination-2001), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
- Projects :
- Completed UGC Major Research Project (F. No. 42- 437/2013 (SR) entitled, “Water quality assessment of river Ajoy – A tributary of River Ganga”. Sanctioned amount Rs. 12, 06,800/- for four years (2013-2017).
- Appointed an Observer by NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research), Bhubaneswar, Odisha for conducting National Level Test at Guwahati, Assam in June, 2010.
- Appointed an Observer by NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research), Bhubaneswar, Odisha for conducting National Level Test at Kolkata, West Bengal in June, 2011.
- Appointed an Observer by NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research), Bhubaneswar, Odisha for conducting National Level Test at Patna, Bihar in June, 2013.
- Appointed as an Observer by NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research), Bhubaneswar, Odisha for conducting National Level Test at Burdwan, West Bengal in May, 2014.
- Invited as a subject expert (Environmental Science) in the national level meeting for the updation and reviewing of the “Comprehensive Glossary of Science” held at Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, New Delhi under MHRD from 21.08.2017 to 25.08.2017.
- Invited as a subject expert (Environmental Science) in the national level meeting for the updation and reviewing of the “Comprehensive Glossary of Science” held at Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, New Delhi under MHRD from 11.09.2017 to 16.09.2017.
- Invited as a subject expert (Environmental Science) in the national level meeting for the updation and reviewing of the “Comprehensive Glossary of Science” held at Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, New Delhi under MHRD from 25.09.2017 to 30.09.2017.
- Invited as a subject expert (Environmental Science) in the national level meeting for the updation and reviewing of the “Glossary of Environmental Science” held at Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, New Delhi under MHRD from 05.08.2019 to 09.09.2019.
- Invited as a subject expert (Environmental Science) in the national level meeting for the updation and reviewing of the “Glossary of Environmental Science” held at Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, New Delhi under MHRD from 09.09.2019 to 13.09.2019.
- Appointed as a NAAC peer team member to visit DEVI AHILYA VISHWAVIDYALAYA, Indore, Madhya Pradesh during 21-23 November, 2019
- Invited as a subject expert (Environmental Science) in the national level meeting for the updation and reviewing of the “Glossary of Environmental Science” held at Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, New Delhi under MHRD from 13.01.2020 to 17.01.2020.
- Member, Faculty Selection Committee of Mumbai University, Maharashtra.
- Member, Paper setter for SET (Environmental Science), West Bengal College Service Commission.
- Associate Editor of the Journal Indian Cartographer, Vol-36, Part-I and Part-II.
- Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Environment and Disaster Studies.
- Member of Editorial cum Advisory Board of the Current World Environment (An International Research Journal of Environmental Science).
- Editorial Board member of Education India: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education.
- Proctor, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, India since 19th February, 2021.
- Head, Department of Environmental Science, School of Earth, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, INDIA since 25th September, 2019.
- Convener, Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, INDIA.
- Chairman, Board of Studies, Department of Environmental Science, School of Earth, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, INDIA since 25th September, 2019.
- Chairman, Committee for Horticulture/Gardening and landscaping around the campus, CUSB.
- Nodal Officer, Research For Resurgence Foundation (RFRF), Nagpur, India.
- Nodal Officer, Solid waste management committee, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, India.
- Nodal Officer, Annual Inspection (conducted by Central Pollution Control Board/National Mission for Clean Ganga) of Grossly Polluting Industries (GPIs) located in river Ganga and Yamuna main stem states.
- Member, Academic Council, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, India.
- Member, IQAC, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, India.
- Member, School Board of Earth, Biological and Environmental Sciences, CUSB.
- Member, School Board of Physical and Chemical Sciences, CUSB.
- Member, CUSB Regulations Relating to Execution and Monitoring of Scholarship Schemes-2017.
- Member, Grievance Redressal Committee for Teachers, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, India.
- External member, Programme committee, Centre of Environmental Sciences, University of Allahabad, India.
- Cognate member, Board of Studies, Department of Life Science, School of Earth, Biological and Environmental Sciences, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar, INDIA since 15th June, 2021.
- Teacher Warden, Pearson Palli Research Scholar (PPRS) Boys Hostel, Visva-Bharati University during 2010- 2015.
- Former Member of Board of Studies in Integrated Science Education and Research Centre, Institute of Science, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
- Former Member of Board of Studies in Department of Environmental Studies, Institute of Science, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
- Served in the Anti ragging committee of the Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
- Former Member of the Mooc’s committee (online courses) of the Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
- Former Member of the NAAC core committee of the Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
National Assignments:
Editorial Board member of Journals:
Administrative Positions Holding/Held: