- sanjayprakash@cusb.ac.in
- sp_sri@rediffmail.com
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Specialization : IPR, Cyber Law, Competition Law, IOS
EXPERIENCE : Teaching / Research) : 23 Yrs total
- Has research with respect to patenting of biotechnological invention in India and interrelated issues. Have examined the legal, social and ethical issues related with biotechnological patenting.
- Has worked on strengthening access to justice in India. Under this a project by ministry of justice and UNDP with regard to mapping of informal justice system in Haryana was conducted.
- Has done a qualitative study with regard to role of women members in PRI in state of Uttar Pradesh.
- Has worked on issues related with privacy, surveillance and government interference.
- Has conducted study with regard to sanitation, public health and PPP.
- Publications:
- Swapnil &Prof. S. P. Srivastava, Genetically Modified Organisms and their Effects on Human Health, Shodh Sarita, January- March 2021, Vol 8 Issue 29, 191—195.
- Manisha Patawari & Dr. sanjay Prakash Srivastava, Comparative Analysis of GST in India and Canada, International Journal of Creative Research Thought, Vo;lume 9 Issue 7 July 2021, 546-554.
- Swapnil & Prof Sanjay Prakash Srivastava, Social and Ethical Challenges Associated with GMOs, International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 4 Issue 3 5847-5854.
- Sameer Kr. Dwivedi & Dr. Sanjay Prakash Srivastava, Personal Data and Privacy, Bhatner Socio Legal Journal, vol. 6 2020, 29-34.
- Prof. S. P. Srivastava & Manisha Patawari, GST: A Journey to Make India a Single Tax Economy,Volume 4 Issue IJTSRD 4, June 2020, PP. 1000-1008, Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470.
- Prof. Dr. S. P. Srivastava and Avinash Kumar, Emerging Role of Independent Director in Strengthening Corporate Governance: An Indian Perspective, 2018-19, pp. 104-120. AMU Law Society Review
- Avinash Kumar Prof. (Dr.) S P Srivastava, “Effect of Patenting and Competition Law on the Pharma Industry and the Public Health issue in India: Contemporary Analysis”, Volume 2 Issue 1 & 2 (JAN-DEC 2019) pp.1-15. ISSN No. 2581-8007, Maharishi Journal of Law And Society.
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Modest, Garments, Religious Expression and Women’s Equality: Who will decide Limitation?” Vol 36, 2016, PP.1-17, Law Review ISSN No. 2349-946X]. [10]
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Science, Technology and Human Rights: A Need to Reformulate Legal Foundations, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2013, pp. 88-98. International Journal of Private Law {ISSN (Online): 1753-6243 - ISSN (Print): 1753-6235}. Impact Factor 0.2.
- 1 Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Patenting of Agriculture Biotechnology and Food Security: Options and Challenges, Vol. 2, Issue No. I 2012, pp. 35-65. International Journal of Public Law and Policy, ISSN(Online): 2044-7671 - ISSN (Print): 2044-7663.
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Public Health and Right to Health in India: Evaluation of Gap between Policy And Implementation, Vol. 2(1) 2012,37-55, Nirma University Law Journal, Peer Reviewed – Refereed,. {ISSN – 2249-1430.
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Patenting of Higher Life Forms: Justification and Law, 83 (2015) 33124-33128, Elixir International Journal (Peer Reviewed [ISSN No. 2229-712X}
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Right to reject the candidates in Election Process of India: Significance of NOTA, 83 (2015) 33120-33123, Elixir International Law [ISSN No. 2229-712X}.
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Generic Medicines and Patenting of Medicinal Biotechnology in India: Assessment of Political-Economy Stakes, Vol. XV, Issue No III, 2012, pp. 36-47, Effective Executive,[ISSN 0972-5172].
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, Conflict of Publicity Right, Celebrity Interest and Copyright Law: An Indian Perspective, Vol. III 2011, pp. 51-70. Indian Law Review (Peer Reviewed Journal){ISSN No. 2229-7960).
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, Micro-Organism Patents in India: Historical Justification and Current Impacts, Vol 48 (3) (2012), pp. 245-252, Civil and Military Law Journal,. (ISSN NO.0045-7043)
- Avinash Kumar & Sanjay Prakash Srivastava, “Effect of Patenting and Competition Law on the Pharmaceutical Industry and Public Health Issues in India: A Contemporary Analysis”, Vol. 1, 2019, PP.80-102, ISSN Applied For, Bharatpuur Law Journal.
- 18. S. P. Srivastava “Unsolicited Commercial E-mail: A Need for Legislation in India”, Vol. VII, Issue No. 3, 2005, pp. 100-110NYAYA DEEP.
- Prof. S. P. Srivastava, “Right to Speedy Justice, Peoples Aspiration and Tailored Actions: Road Ahead of Allegation of Biasness,” Volume XIV 2020 Journal of Army Institute of Law (Peer Reviewed) ISSN No: 0975-8208.
- Prof. S.P. Srivastava & Avinash Kumar, “An analysis of State Responsibility in Appropriation of Foreign Investments”, Vol. 9 Issue 2 Indian Journal of Arbitration Law (IJAL) (2020).)
- Prof. S. P. Srivastava, “Rethinking Patent Eligible Subject Matter: Criterion and Need of Harmonization”, Asian Journal of Law and Society, 2021 ISSN No. 2052-9015 (Print), 2052-9023.
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “An Assessment of Rhetorical Resistance between Judicial Accountability and Independence of Judiciary” in , Judicial Activism in India, A Festschrift in Honour of Justice Krishna Iyer (Edited by Dr. Lokendra Malik), published by Universal Publication in 2012, pp. 323-335. {ISBN No. 978-93-5035-269-4}.
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Access to Justice and Vulnerable Section in India: Delineation Ahead of Rule of Law, in Rule of Law and Human Rights in India, ,Dr. Lokendra Malik (Ed.), 2012, pp. 104-114, {ISBN No. 978-93-5035-170-3}.
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Rule by Justice, Transparency and Accountability in Indian Judiciary”, Chapter in of Dr. K. M. Tripathi (Ed.) 2014 pp. pp. 46-64, Universal law Publishing. Delhi. {ISBN No. 978-93-5035-446-9}
- 25. Dr. S. P. Srivastava & Dr. Digvijay Singh, in Legal Research and Methodology Perspectives, Process and Practice Edited by BC NIRMAL, RAJNISH KUMAR SINGH & ARTI NIRMAL Edition 2019, Satyam Law House. {5]
- 26. 24. Dr. S. P. Srivastava, “Protection of Plant Varieties, Joint Committee Report and Future of Seed Custodian”, published as a chapter in the book entitled, The Law of Intellectual Property Rights: InProspects & Retrospect, Sep. 2001, pp. 151-161, published by Delhi University.
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, Patenting of Biotechnological Inventions in India, (2013) Lambert Academic Publishings, Germany, (ISBN13: 978-3-659-44384-8, ISBN10: 3659443840.
- Dr. S. P. Srivastava, Law Relating to Patents, (2014), Loknath Publishers, Varanasi, ISBN: 978-93- 81123-36-2
- Projects : Conducted One major and two minor Project.
Research Interests:
More than 32 research paper publications in various national and international, UGC listed/Peer reviewed referred journals, more than 30 seminars and conference papers and is and been members of various Statutory, Professionals and Academic Bodies including in editorial boards.
Research (in APA Style)
- Publications:
- Patent:
- Book: