- rekhaagrawal@cusb.ac.in
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Specialization : School, teacher and parent education
Experience: Before joining to the Central University of South Bihar as Professor in Education she has served Mata Sundry College for Women (University of Delhi) as lecturer for three years, Vidyavati Mukand Lal Girls PG College (CCS University) as lecturer then as Reader for 23 years and Nawal Kishore Bhartiya Municipal Girls PG College (MJP Rohilkhand University) as Principal for seven years. A recipient of National Awards twice for her Innovative Practices and Experiments in Teacher Education Prof. Rekha Agrawal is the senior most Dean of the University and has received awards at various levels. Besides her several innovations, tests’ construction she has three books, more than thirty publications, many funded research projects, guidance to several Ph.D. & numerous master’s scholars are there to her credit. She has visited Bangkok and Dublin for academic purposes. Her area of specialization is school, teacher and parent education.