Dr. Tarun Kumar Tyagi and Lt (Dr.) Pragya Gupta, both Assistant Professors, Dept of Teacher Education (DTE) of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) has been conferred with of National Award for the year 2022-23 by DTE, NCERT under the scheme of ‘Promoting Innovative Practices and Experiments in Education for Schools and Teacher Education Institutions’. Dr. Tyagi and Dr. Gupta has been awarded with Cash prize of Rs 10,000/- along with a certificate for the research project entitled “Effect of Recreational Mathematical Activities on Students’ Creativity in Mathematics”. Ironically, Dr. Tyagi has been selected for this award for the second time in a row.
CUSB Vice-Chancellor Prof. Kameshwar Nath Singh, Registrar Col. Rajiv Kumar Singh, IQAC Coordinator Prof. Venktesh Singh, Prof. Ravi Kant, Head, DTE, Prof. Brajesh Kumar (FPAC member) and faculty members of the DTE congratulated the project coordinators and motivated them to do such type of research work. VC Prof. K. N. Singh said that this effort is a good initiative not only to develop the creativity among students through recreational mathematics but also a positive effort to connect the university to the nearby villages and community that helps to achieve the objectives of National Education Policy 2020.
Providing details Dr. Tyagi said that NCERT invited the project proposals in the month of July 2022 from teachers and teacher educators working in all recognized teacher education institutions under the scheme of “National Award for Innovative Practices and Experiments in Education for Schools and Teacher Education Institutions”. After evaluating/screening in three phases, this project was shortlisted and given permission for its implementation at Middle School, Fatehpur Nepa, Tikari. This project was monitored by Prof. Braham Prakash Bhardwaj, Programme Coordinator, DTE, NCERT, and Prof Prakash Chandra Agrawal, Principal, RIE, Bhubaneswar Orissa. The research project report was presented in the National Seminar on ‘Promoting Innovative Practices in Education’ at DTE, NCERT Delhi on 17-18th July 2023 and selected for the National Award for Innovative Practices based on the recommendation of an experts committee.
School headmaster of Middle School, Nepa said that two students of the experimental group cracked the prestigious National Talent Search Examination (NTSE Bihar) conducted by NCERT, New Delhi which is itself a sign of the success of the research project. Dr Tyagi and Dr. Gupta expressed their sincere thanks to Mr. Rajendra Sharma (Headteacher) Mr. Rajendra Chaudhary, and Mr. Manoj Kumar Middle School Fatehpur, Nepa, Tikari for providing their continuous support for the successful implementation of the research project.