The Students of Master of Social Work (1st and 3rd Semester) programme of the Department of Sociological Studies of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) visited the Children’s Home and Observation Home located at 159 BN CRPF Jail Complex in Gaya city on 04th December 2023. Under the guidance of Head of the Department, Prof. M.V.K. Sharma, Prof. Anil Kumar Singh Jha, Dr. Haresh Narayan Pandey, Dr. Aditya Mohanty and Dr. Ahmadul Kabir, this trip was done as part of the field work included in the curriculum. MA Social Work students along with their professors interacted with the jail administration and obtained important information regarding the operation of the children’s home
During the visit, the CUSB team learned that these children’s homes, managed under the Juvenile Justice Act and Bihar Social Welfare Department, provide protection, shelter and security to orphans, child labourers, missing children. With the help of cooperative societies, information was received that children are enrolled in local government schools so that there is no shortage of education. There is also a provision for availability of teachers, special education and giving exams from home for mentally handicapped children. Whereas the observation home works to reform, rehabilitate and reintegrate the young offender into the society. Periodic counseling, health services and education are provided to offenders aged 11-18 years. At the same time, skill development programs run in partnership with non-government institutions (NGOs) and cooperative society boards also become a means of earning for children at the age of 18 years.