Institution Ethics Committee for Biomedical and Health Research Cell

Any institution or organisation which intends to conduct biomedical and health research is directed to constitute an Ethics Committee to review and oversee the conduct of such research (New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019). In this respect Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India has prepared National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants, 2017. These guidelines are applicable to all biomedical, social and behavioural science research for health conducted in India involving human participants, their biological material and data.

The purpose of these guidelines is to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of the human participants involved in biomedical and health research.

In this regard our university has also constituted an Institutional Ethics Committee for Biomedical and Health Research (IECBHR). This committee has been registered under the Department of Health and Research, Govt. of India. It is a request to all researchers of Central University of South Bihar whose research involves human participants may submit their applications for review/approval by the IECBHR, CUSB.      

Govt. of India defines Biomedical and Health Research as follows:

Research including studies on basic, applied and operational research or clinical research, designed primarily to increase scientific knowledge about diseases and conditions (physical or socio-behavioral); their detection and cause; and evolving strategies for health promotion, prevention, or amelioration of disease and rehabilitation (New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019).     

Above definition does not include clinical trials.

For detailed information one can download the available material from link given below:

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