Media plays an important role in forming perception in society but it is not necessary that every content received from media (such as video or audio) should be understood from the correct perspective and context. There is a possibility that the content passing in front of you may be created by someone with personal bias which can influence the society. Therefore, it is important to understand for what purpose the content we are watching or listening has been created. This statement was given by Dr. Anindya Deb, Assistant Professor, Media Department, Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) in a guest lecture organized on the topic ‘Media Literacy and Technology’ at PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1, Gaya on January 31, 2024.
The main objective of the lecture organized under Learning Skills in the 21st Century was to introduce school children to various aspects of media. School headmaster Ashok Kumar Gupta and vice-teacher Amina Khatoon along with research scholar Ayush Anand participated in the programme. Teachers and a large number of students were present.
Dr. Deb said that by reviewing the content available on various media platforms, we should try to understand the various biases (perspectives) associated with it, for which we can take the help of many technical sources. Dr. Deb further said that in this era of social media, children need to be very careful. You should use social media by keeping it under your control and not let yourself be controlled by social media. Giving the slogan of ‘Access Widely, Analyze Critically and Create Responsibly’, Ayush Anand said in the program that if we want to avoid the ill effects of media, then it is important for us to understand about media technology, content and their creators. In this era of new media, distortions like fake news, misinformation and hate speech are creating new challenges for the society, media literacy is an effective way to deal with them. In the end, the school’s vice-teacher Amina Khatoon, Dr. Anindya Deb and research scholar Ayush Anand were thanked for their presence in the program.