Free Covid-19 Vaccination Drive at CUSB

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Free Covid-19 Vaccination Drive at CUSB

A special vaccination camp was organized on Wednesday (16 June 2021) at the Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) in the course of the ongoing nationwide vaccination campaign to prevent infection of the global pandemic Covid-19. On the recommendation of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Professor Harish Chandra Singh Rathore the decision was taken to organize vaccination camp for the employees of the university. CUSB Registrar Col. Rajiv Kumar Singh worked tirelessly to organize vaccination camps in the university campus. Colonel Singh organized the first phase of the vaccination camp in the university campus by establishing contact with the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Chief Immunization Officer (CIO) and other concerned officials of Gaya district.
Dr. Vivek Narayan, Medical Officer CUSB, successfully organized the camp with the help of University Health Center employees Mrs. Madhu Kanchan, Mr. Dilip Kumar Mohapatra and Dresser Mr. Sunny Kumar Gupta. Giving detailed information, Dr. Vivek Narayan said that a total of 70 persons were given vaccine in the vaccination camp organized at CUSB, which included 60 Covishield doses and 10 Covaxin second doses. For vaccination in the university, a team of six (6) members came from Tekari sub-division hospital, which included Dr. Mohd. Mahfooz Alam and Dr. Shyamali Shaw etc.
As the step to discharge its social responsibility, the University organized this camp. Registrar Col. Singh himself got vaccinated along with him the officials of the university also participated in this campaign. Along with the professors and employees of the university, interested people who came from nearby villages also got the vaccine.
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