A four-day comprehensive training programme on disaster risk reduction measures for extreme weather events kicked off at Central University of South Bihar (CUSB). The disaster focussed training programme was organised by CUSB in partnership with the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), MHA, Government of India and the Bihar State Disaster Management Authority (BSDMA). The event was inaugurated by CUSB VC Prof. Kameshwar Nath Singh as the chief patron in presence of chief guest Rajendra Ratnoo (Executive Director of NIDM, IAS), Prof. Pradhan Parth Sarthi (Dean, SEEBS, CUSB), Dr. Garima Aggarwal (Senior Consultant, RID, NIDM), Prof. Kaushal Kumar Sharma (Dean, School of Social Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University), Prof. Balarm Pani (Dean of Colleges, University of Delhi), Dr. Manjit Singh (Dept. of Geography, Faculty Convenor, CUSB) and other dignitaries and experts from various fields.
In the introductory speech Prof. Pradhan Parth Sarthi said the training programme is a part of the ongoing efforts to strengthen disaster management practices and build resilience in the face of growing climate-related risks. Dr. Garima Aggarwal said universities are key resource for any government or organisation for spreading information, awareness and knowledge.

Rajendra Ratnoo said this event will be the catalyst and shed light on knowledge and wisdom for Disaster Risk Reduction in Bihar and other parts of the country. He said nowadays people are suffering from boiling water syndrome which should not be there. Prof. Kaushal Kumar Sharma emphasised that we have ample amount of knowledge but we need to derive the useful knowledge. Prof. Balarm Pani said that the main aim of this training program is to reduce the impact of any disaster. In his presidential remarks CUSB VC Prof. K. N. Singh highlighted the importance of such training programmes in equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to mitigate the impact of extreme weather events. At the end of inaugural session, the vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Renu, Asst. Prof., Commerce, CUSB.
After the inaugural session, a technical session on the topic Basics of Disaster Risk Mitigation and Management was conducted in which the experts shared the insights of disaster like thundering, lightening, etc. Mr. Dileep Kumar, Senior Advisor, Bihar government presented the vulnerability profile of Bihar and initiatives taken by Bihar State Disaster Management Authority. The day ended with a presentation of NDRF about the Role of NDRF during disaster response and mitigation – experiences from Bihar floods.
Dr. Manjit Singh said that the training programme is attended by around 100 registered participants comprised of people from diverse backgrounds, including academicians, government officials, researchers, practitioners, and community representatives. The training programme encompasses a wide range of topics, including risk assessment, early warning systems, emergency response planning, community engagement, and post-disaster recovery.