- taruntyagi@cusb.ac.in
- taruntyagiugc@gmail.com
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Area of Interest :
Educational Assessment & Evaluation, Research Methodology & Educational Statistics, Pedagogy of Social Science, Higher Order Thinking Skills in Mathematics Learning
EXPERIENCE : 06 Years. Before joining CUSB as Assistant Professor in the Department of Teacher Education, School of Education he has worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Education at Regional Institute of Education, Ajmer, Central University of Rajasthan, Chaudhary Charan Singh University Meerut and Ch. Mahendra Singh Degree College, Garhmukteshwar. He did his Post Graduation (Economics), B.Ed., M.Ed. and M.Phil. in Education (Gold Medal) from CCS University, Meerut, qualified UGC NET (Education) and completed Ph.D. in Education from BHU Varanasi. He has participated in several national and international seminars & conferences. He has six years of teaching and four year research experiences of UG and PG and M.Phil. (Education). He has published several research papers in reputed international and national journals. Beside this, he is a reviewer of different international journals.