- subramanian@cusb.ac.in
- ssmanian61@yahoo.co.in
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Specialization (not more than FIVE) :
Accounting & Finance, Risk and Derivative management, Banking &Financial Services, Strategic financial Management, Marketing of Services.
He has thirty-four(34) years of teaching, learning and research experience. Prior to joining, he had served as Professor of Accounting and Finance, Dept. of Accounting and Finance, College of Business and Economics, Dilla University of Ethiopia, Professor, National Institute of Management Studies, Chennai with a few more higher educational institutions in different levels of teaching. Besides his teaching and learning, he has administrative experience such as HOD, chairman of the central purchase committee (CPC), member of academic council, member of research development cell (RDC), examination co-ordinator in our university. Dean, chief superintendent of university examination, various course coordinator, co-odinator of conferences, FDP, AIMA programme, member of the academic council, doctoral committee, BOS etc., in various institutions. He has done extensive research on fourty two (42) research papers published in Scopus,UGC approved, and blind reviewed referred journals, edited four (4) ISBN International and national books, 10 chapters in ISBN books, presented forty-eight research papers in various national and international conferences,workshops and seminars, participated more than 100 conferences and workshops and chaired conferences as well. He has so far successfully supervised and guided (78) PG projects, (33) M. Phil dissertations, one Ph.D and presently guiding five (5) Ph.D scholars in the area of banking and finance. He served as adjudicator of Ph.D theses both in Indian and foreign universities. He visited countries viz UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Saudi Arabia for academic purposes.