- ravindrakumar@cusb.ac.in
- ravindra.kumarte01@gmail.com
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Specialization: ICT in Education, Education Technology, Pedagogy of Language Education.
EXPERIENCE: 10 Years. Dr. Ravindra Kumar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teacher Education under the School of Education (SoE), Central University of South Bihar. Before joining CUSB as Assistant Professor, has worked as Assistant Professor (ET) in Central Institute of Educational Technology, NCERT, New Delhi & Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. He has given academic input in various projects under Govt. of India i.e. NROER, MOOCs for School Education, ePathashala, ePG-Pathashala, Indo-Bhutan elibrary, DTH Television etc. Dr. Kumar has supervised more than ten M.Ed. students and four Ph.D. research scholars working under the supervision. He has published more than 18 research papers in reputed National and International Journals and published four books in his area of ICT and Language Education. He has owned as resource person in more than 15 workshops and training programmes in different state of India. Dr. Kumar has wide experience in participating as well as coordinating many training programs, workshops, forums, conferences etc. at national and international level. Apart from this he has contributed approximate 40 e-content based on Hindi and English poems those are uploaded on e-Pathashala, NROER and YouTube platforms.