- piyush@cusb.ac.in
- piyushkumarsingh87@gmail.com
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Specialization :
Image Processing, Parallel Computing, Wavelet Transform
Teaching / Research
Dr. Piyush Kumar Singh has an interest in image processing algorithms. He is Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Central University of South Bihar since 2016. He has completed all his degrees in first class. He is graduate in B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics) and post-graduation in Master of Computer Application. The Ph.D. degree is awarded to him in Computer Applications from Banaras Hindu University in 2019. He has qualified GATE (Computer Science and Information Technology) in 2012 and NET (Computer Science and Applications) in 2015. He has worked on wavelet transform based image processing algorithms.
- Presently working on impact of Blockchain in electronic healthcare management systems and chaos based image encryption algorithm.
- Developed fast wavelet transform images processing algorithms using parallel computing technique.
- Developed image encryption algorithms using XOR operation at approximation component in wavelet transform algorithm.
- Publications:
- Praveen, G., Singh, P. K., & Ranjan, P. (2021). The Impact of Blockchain on the Healthcare Environment. Journal of Informatics Electrical and Electronics Engineering (JIEEE), 1-11.
- Praveen, G., Singh, P. K., & Ranjan, P. (2022). A comprehensive blockchain technology survey: architecture, applications and challenges. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 26-63.
- Praveen, G., Singh, P. K., & Ranjan, P. (2022). A Secure Blockchain-based Framework for Healthcare Management System. International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 28-37.
- Raj, R., Singh, P. K., & Singh, R. S. (2016). Multi-image encryption using genetic computation. CSI Transactions on ICT, 95-101.
- Singh, P. K., Singh, N., & Rai, K. N. (2015). Comparative Study between DCT and Wavelet Transform Based Image Compression Algorithm. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), 53-57.
- Singh, P. K., Singh, R. S., & Rai, K. N. (2015). An image encryption algorithm based on XOR operation with approximation component in wavelet transform. In 2015 Fifth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG). Patna: IEEE.
- Singh, P. K., Singh, R. S., & Rai, K. N. (2017). A Parallel Algorithm for Wavelet Transform-Based Color Image Compression. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 27(1), 81-90. doi:doi:10.1515/jisys-2017-0015
- Singh, P. K., Singh, R. S., Rai, K. N., & Jaiswal, S. (2015). Comparative Study of Image Compression Techniques Based on Wavelet Transform and Wavelet Packet Transform. In Computer Science and Engineering: Recent Trends. Narosa Publishing House (ISBN 978-81-8487-391-7).
- Singh, V. K., Singh, P. K., & Rai, K. N. (2018). Image Encryption Algorithm based on Circular Shift in Pixel Bit Value by Group Modulo Operation for Medical Images. In 2018 4th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
- Singh, V. K., Singh, P. K., & Rai, K. N. (2020). A Parallel Processing Technique Based on GMO and BCS for Medical Image Encryption. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 3418-3427.
- Book Chapters:
- Praveen, G., Anand, M., Singh, P. K., & Ranjan, P. (2021). An Overview of Blockchain Consensus and Vulnerability. In G. Praveen, M. Anand, P. K. Singh, & P. Ranjan, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies (pp. 459-468). Singapore: Springer.
- Singh, P. K., Singh, R. S., & Rai, K. N. (2017). Wavelets with Application in Image Compression. In Biometrics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1084-1104). Hershey PA, USA: IGI Global, Information Science Reference (ISSN 2327-0411; eISSN: 2327-042X).
- Awards:
- Projects:

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