Assistant Professor
Qualification :
M.B.A., Ph.D. (B.H.U.)
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- Mobile No : +91-7080881836

Specialization (not more than FIVE) :
Human Resource Management
Before joining, Department of Commerce & Business Studies, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, Bihar from August 2019, Dr. Kumar was working as Assistant Professor in, Department of Commerce, Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Banaras Hindu University for four and half years.
Research Interests:
Research (in APA Style)
- Publications: More than 15 research papers & articles have been published in reputed, peer-reviewed and UGC-listed journals so far.
- Book:
- Rai O.P. & Kumar Pawas, 2014, Principles of Business Management, Wisdom Books.
- Rai O.P.& Kumar Pawas, 2019, Organizational Behaviour, Wisdom Books.
Full Publication List
- More than 15 research papers & articles have been published in reputed, peer-reviewed and UGC-listed journals so far.
- Rai O.P. & Kumar Pawas, 2014, Principles of Business Management, Wisdom Books.
- Rai O.P.& Kumar Pawas, 2019, Organizational Behaviour, Wisdom Books.
- Life time member of All India Commerce Association.
- Life time member of Indian Accounting Association.
- Dr. Kumar has an administrative experience of warden ship in Banaras Hindu University & Central University of South Bihar at various time intervals.
- Dr. Kumar has also given his contribution as member of different committees related with discipline, anti ragging, cultural and sports within the university from time to time.
- Dr. Kumar is currently supervising one Ph.D. scholar.

Established under the Central Universities Act, 2009 (Section 25 of 2009) as Central University of Bihar (CUB) and the name since changed by the Central Universities (Amendment) Act, 2014 to Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) is an institution of higher learning in the state of Bihar.
Reception : 0631 – 2229 530
Admission : 0631 – 2229 514 / 518
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