The Centre for Development Studies (CDS) as a multi-disciplinary centre, aims to equip the students with critical, analytical and applied skills that they use in future either as academicians or as development practitioners. It provides opportunities to students to critically examine a relevant body of knowledge (theoretical perspectives and approaches) and current debates and learn research methods (qualitative and quantitative). Practicum, field-work, and internship experiences facilitate learning the process of development, policy planning and practicum in the real life settings. The students are exposed to the complex process of development which requires consideration of the specifics of local situations and circumstances along the global interactions and influences. The academic programmes enhance the insightful understanding and interplay of social, cultural, ecological, political, and economic variables in the development process which is required to constructively deal with inequitable outcomes of the development.
Department Overview
Established in |
2009 |
Employee Strength |
Faculty- 06 |
Student Strength |
Research Scholar & JRF- |
Placement 2021 |
x (tentative) |
Publications, Books & Patent |
Publications- |
News and Announcements
Important Links
Formats & Downloads
Board of Studies (BoS)
BoS is a statutory body for each department/centre, primarily responsible for syllabus design and regular update. As described in the Ordinance section 25.10,
The functions of the Board of Studies shall be:-- To recommend to the School Board, courses of studies offered by the Department/Centre and continue updating syllabus;
- To take all steps in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations about teaching and evaluation of various courses/programmes of the Department/Centre;
- To recommend to the School Board measures for the improvement of teaching and research in the Department/Centre;
- To constitute panels of experts to be considered for appointment as Examiners, Board of Examiners for various courses/academic programmes and M.Phil./Ph.D. thesis representing various specializations of Departments/Centres; and
- To perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the School Board, the Academic Council, the Executive Council and the Vice-Chancellor.
Department Committee (DC)
As enshrined in the Ordinace-26, the Department/Centre Committee (DC/CC) shall consist of the Head of the Department/Centre, as Chairperson ex-officio, and all faculty members of the Department/Centre.
26.2 The Department/Centre Committee shall have the following functions, namely–- To make proposals to the Board of Studies on academic programmes concerning teaching and research, and the creation, specialization and abolition of teaching posts;
- To propose schemes for the maintenance and improvement of the standards of various programmes of study and research of the Department/Centre;
- To apportion the teaching and co-curricular work of the Department/Centre among the teachers thereof and monitor the proper execution thereof;
- To consider and decide on the assignment and utilisation of the space, equipment and other assets of the Department/Centre and other matters of general and academic interest of the Department/Centre;
- To consider and recommend perspectives and major thrust areas for research and to propose research projects to be taken up by the members of the Department/Centre, individually/collectively;
- To review and apprise the SRC/URC with the current status of research in Department/Centre;
- To suggest to SRC/URC norms related to qualifications and research experience of a faculty to be recognized as a research degree supervisor and to constitute Department/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRC/CRC);
- To suggest to University Admission, Teaching and Evaluation Committee (UATEC) on any issue related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation in courses and students’ assessment of courses, offered by the Department/Centre to improve quality of education.
- To constitute such Committee(s) comprising members of the Department/Centre, and if necessary external experts, for framing and implementation of rules and regulations related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation, maintenance of students’ records including alumni affairs as well as promotion of research and development; and
- To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Ordinances or Regulations, or by the Vice- Chancellor/Dean/School Board from time to time.
Department Research Degree Committee (DRDC)
Departmental/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRDC/CRDC) deal with all matters connected with the Ph.D. Programme of the Department and report the matter to the University Research Degree Committee (URDC), as per University Ordinance-33. It consists of the Head of Department/Centre as Chairman and other faculties in the department.
Functions of DRDC/CRDC are as follows:- Allotment of Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, recording reasons for not admitting a candidate.
- Recommendation for extension of time for submission of thesis
- Recommendation to peruse a part of research outside the University
- Approval of the Course Work
- Assessment and Grading in Course Work
- Monitoring the research progress of the candidate
- Approval of Research plan proposal/language
- Sanction of duty leave to the Ph.D. candidate
- Assessment of Ph.D. work through pre-submission seminar
- Maintaining the record of research paper publications of the candidate
- 11 Recommendation of panel of experts for thesis evaluation
- Assessment of revised thesis for satisfactory compliance, if any
- Arrangement of Viva-voce in the absence of the supervisor
- Recommendation to waive the Viva-voce
Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
A Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is constituted for every research scholar admitted in PhD programme. The Committee would guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and to To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar. The committee shall have also have power to recommend the co-supervisor and cancellation of registration
Disseminate and advance knowledge to bring about social transformation by developing competent, committed and passionate development leaders.
- Strengthen the social relevance of the Department by fine-tuning teaching and research programmes to suit local, national and global needs
- Promote reciprocal linkages with local and global NGOs/Industries and also with the rest of the world
- Empower students as agents of transformation by equipping them with the required skills and blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills in the methodology of development
- Provide the students opportunities to explore knowledge and relate them with the larger societal and environmental contexts
Dr. Samapika Mohapatra
Associate Professor & Ex-Head
samapika@cusb.ac.in, samapika.mohapatra@gmail.com
Dr. Firdaus Fatima Rizvi
Assistant Professor (Senior Scale)
firdaus@cub.ac.in, firdausrizvi@gmail.com
S.No. | Research Scholar/JRF/Project staff | Photograph | Guide | Academic Qualification | Research Area | Achievement/Award /Publication |
1 | Md Asraul Hoque mdasraul@cusb.ac.in Enrolment No CUSB2001175005 |
Prof. Krishnan Chalil | MA | Educational Policies & Planning | Publications
2 | Sahil Raj sraj7925@gmail.com CUSB2001175006 |
Dr. Samajik Mohapatra | MTA (Master in Tourism Administration) | Tourism | ||
3 | VIKRAM vikramvijay9955@gmail.com CUSB2001175009 |
Dr. Firdaus F. Rizjvi | M.A. | International Migration | ||
4 | DR. RAVI BHARTI ravibhartibodhgaya@gmail.com |
Dr. Samapika Mohapatra | Ph.D | Effects of ‘Sharab Bandi’ (Alcohol Prohibition) on Women’s Socio Economic Conditions in Rural Biharâ€. |
Yes | |
5 | Abhijeet kumar abhijeet.k3196@gmail.com CUSB2001175001 |
Dr Firdaus F Rizvi | MA in Environmental Studies | Waste management | None | |
6 | Gaurav Gupta gauravguptayes@gmail.com |
Professor krishnan chalil | MA | |||
7 | Shalu Sinha shalu786sinha@gmail.com CUSB2001175007 |
Samapika Mahapatra | MA | Sports | ||
8 | Sonu Prasad sonupd2309@gmail.com |
Anju Helen Bara | MA | Public Policy | ||
9 | Shubham Bhardwaj shubham@cusb.ac.in CUSB1801175001 |
Dr. Anju Helen Bara | MA in Development | Urban Ecology | ||
10 | Alok kumar dubey alokdubey271504@gmail.com |
Dr. Firdaus fatima rizvi | Geography | |||
11 | Sharad Kumar sharidendu sharad@cub.ac.in |
Dr Firdaus Fatima rizvi | Mphil | Occupational Health and Environment pollution | 3 research paper published | |
12 | PREMLATA KUMARI k.premjnumphil3@gmail.com |
DR. SAMAPIKA MOHAPATRA | PROHIBITION ON SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF WOMEN IN RURAL BIHAR | to Tourism in India", Indian Journal of Spatial Science, Vol.03 (1), pp.1-7, ISSN: 2249-3921
13 | Akanksha kumari er.akankshasingh21@gmail.com CUSB2001175002 |
Prof. Krishnan Chalil | MA in social work | Education | none | |
14 | Adrija adrija@cusb.ac.in CUSB1701175001 |
Dr. Anju Helen Bara | M.A. | Public Policy Implementation Process | ||
15 | Pankaj Sharma pankajsharma@cusb.ac.in CUSB1701175002 |
Dr Samapika Mohapatra | MA | Community Radio & Women Empowerment |
- Project
- Specific Research Areas
- Research Publications
E-Resources for Courses
Course Code |
Course Name |
Question papers (Previous Years) |
Notes and Presentations |
Video and Suggested readings |
Course Assessment Design - MA
- Semester –I
- Semester –II
- Semester –III
- Semester-IV