More than 100 students of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) have cracked the UGC NET / JRF June 2023 exam. The Department of Sociological Studies organized a felication ceremony for the successful students of the department. Under the patronage of CUSB Vice-Chancellor Prof. Kameshwar Nath Singh, the event was organised under the mentorship of Head of the department Prof. M. Vijay Kumar Sharma.
Prof. M. Vijay Kumar Sharma said that this achievement is a matter of pride for the Department of Sociology and this achievement will be an inspiration for the future students. A total of eight students of the Sociology Department have qualified the UGC NET/JRF June 2023 exam, out of which four are Ph.D. Research Scholars Ananya, Garima, Aditi, and Nibha have qualified JRF, and Sanjay Verma and Deepak Kumar Kannaujia have qualified for NET.

In the felicitation programme, along with the Head of the Department, Prof. M. Vijay Kumar Sharma, other teachers shared the mantras of success and gave them the message that they should be determined for nation building. Prof. Anil Kumar Singh Jha discussed the importance of continuous effort for the success of the students. Dr. Samapika Mohapatra said that achieving success is not a big deal whereas it is the beginning for the future. Dr. Jitendra Ram said that hard work does not go in vain but gives results. Dr. Haresh Pandey said that all of you are getting ready to play an important role in the future of the country. Dr. Parijat Pradhan said that only effort ensures the result, while Dr. Aditya Mohanty said that failure proves success. Describing this achievement of the students as unique, Dr. Ahmadul Kabir said that all the students have to keep moving forward in this direction. Researcher Shwetank compared the programme, while Ms. Ritu Rani, proposed the vote of thanks.