The Department of Chemistry under the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences forms a key component of the university. The department is composed of dynamic faculty members and research scholars who are actively engaged in knowledge creation and dissemination at the frontiers of the Chemical Sciences. The discipline has an encompassing effect on the biological and physical sciences and is therefore considered a central science. Knowledge and skills in chemistry play a crucial role in finding the solutions to most of the challenges (eg. energy crisis, disease, and environment) faced by mankind today. The department believes in an interdisciplinary approach to learning and fosters a culture of excellence. Undergraduate students of chemistry have been nurtured and mentored well to compete at the national and international levels (eg. selection in IITs and IISERs for M.Sc./Int. Ph.D., for the summer research fellowships of National Academies of Sciences, award at National Science Film Festival and more…). The postgraduate programme, M.Sc. in Chemistry, was launched in the year 2018. The first two batches of M.Sc. students graduated in 2020 and 2021 amidst the raging COVID19 pandemic, many of them have been placed well in CSIR labs and other institutions of repute. The Ph.D. programme was started in the year 2019 and it is going on quite well with the recent augmentation of research infrastructure in the department. With these ongoing programmes, the department envisages scaling greater heights and producing globally competent chemists and scientists who can solve the pressing problems of the nation.
Department Overview
Established in |
2016 |
Employee Strength |
Faculty- 05 |
Student Strength |
Research Scholar & JRF-9 |
Placement 2021 |
x (tentative) |
Publications, Books & Patent |
Publications- |
News and Announcements
Important Links
Formats & Downloads
Board of Studies (BoS)
BoS is a statutory body for each department/centre, primarily responsible for syllabus design and regular update. As described in the Ordinance section 25.10,
The functions of the Board of Studies shall be:-- To recommend to the School Board, courses of studies offered by the Department/Centre and continue updating syllabus;
- To take all steps in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations about teaching and evaluation of various courses/programmes of the Department/Centre;
- To recommend to the School Board measures for the improvement of teaching and research in the Department/Centre;
- To constitute panels of experts to be considered for appointment as Examiners, Board of Examiners for various courses/academic programmes and M.Phil./Ph.D. thesis representing various specializations of Departments/Centres; and
- To perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the School Board, the Academic Council, the Executive Council and the Vice-Chancellor.
Department Committee (DC)
As enshrined in the Ordinace-26, the Department/Centre Committee (DC/CC) shall consist of the Head of the Department/Centre, as Chairperson ex-officio, and all faculty members of the Department/Centre.
26.2 The Department/Centre Committee shall have the following functions, namely–- To make proposals to the Board of Studies on academic programmes concerning teaching and research, and the creation, specialization and abolition of teaching posts;
- To propose schemes for the maintenance and improvement of the standards of various programmes of study and research of the Department/Centre;
- To apportion the teaching and co-curricular work of the Department/Centre among the teachers thereof and monitor the proper execution thereof;
- To consider and decide on the assignment and utilisation of the space, equipment and other assets of the Department/Centre and other matters of general and academic interest of the Department/Centre;
- To consider and recommend perspectives and major thrust areas for research and to propose research projects to be taken up by the members of the Department/Centre, individually/collectively;
- To review and apprise the SRC/URC with the current status of research in Department/Centre;
- To suggest to SRC/URC norms related to qualifications and research experience of a faculty to be recognized as a research degree supervisor and to constitute Department/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRC/CRC);
- To suggest to University Admission, Teaching and Evaluation Committee (UATEC) on any issue related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation in courses and students’ assessment of courses, offered by the Department/Centre to improve quality of education.
- To constitute such Committee(s) comprising members of the Department/Centre, and if necessary external experts, for framing and implementation of rules and regulations related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation, maintenance of students’ records including alumni affairs as well as promotion of research and development; and
- To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Ordinances or Regulations, or by the Vice- Chancellor/Dean/School Board from time to time.
Department Research Degree Committee (DRDC)
Departmental/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRDC/CRDC) deal with all matters connected with the Ph.D. Programme of the Department and report the matter to the University Research Degree Committee (URDC), as per University Ordinance-33. It consists of the Head of Department/Centre as Chairman and other faculties in the department.
Functions of DRDC/CRDC are as follows:- Allotment of Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, recording reasons for not admitting a candidate.
- Recommendation for extension of time for submission of thesis
- Recommendation to peruse a part of research outside the University
- Approval of the Course Work
- Assessment and Grading in Course Work
- Monitoring the research progress of the candidate
- Approval of Research plan proposal/language
- Sanction of duty leave to the Ph.D. candidate
- Assessment of Ph.D. work through pre-submission seminar
- Maintaining the record of research paper publications of the candidate
- 11 Recommendation of panel of experts for thesis evaluation
- Assessment of revised thesis for satisfactory compliance, if any
- Arrangement of Viva-voce in the absence of the supervisor
- Recommendation to waive the Viva-voce
Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
A Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is constituted for every research scholar admitted in PhD programme. The Committee would guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and to To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar. The committee shall have also have power to recommend the co-supervisor and cancellation of registration
Vision |
Mission |
- Objectives of the Program:
- to impart knowledge and essential laboratory skills to the students in the domain of chemical sciences
- to inculcate a culture of critical thinking, scientific inquiry and devising solutions
- Program Outcomes:
- Having sound knowledge, analytical skills and hand-on training on sophisticated instruments, the masters' students would find ample opportunities for employment in the chemical/pharmaceutical industry, academic and research institutions of the nation and aborad.
- By understanding the nuances of chemistry, these young scientists would be creating new tools, products and technologies to address some of the biggest challenges facing the nation.
- Eligibility: B.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Chemistry as one of the main subject or Integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. from a recognized University with minimum of 50% of marks or equivalent grade in aggregate or in Honours for General /OBC and 45% or equivalent grade for SC/ST candidates
- Intake: 45
- Objectives of the Program:
- to strengthen the culture of interdisciplinary research & innovation
- to produce globally competent chemists/scientists who can critically think and analyse a problem, and develop innovative scientific solutions
- Program Outcomes:
- Equipped with sound knowledge and lab skills, the doctoral students would be able to address some of the biggest scientific challenges facing the mankind today such as energy crisis, lighting & displays, sanitation, diagnostics & therapeutics and many more.
- The programme will ensure enhanced employability and the students are likely to get positions of eminence in leading research and academic institutions in India as well as abroad.
- Eligibility: M.Sc. Degree or its equivalent in Chemistry/applied Chemistry or allied subjects (including biochemistry, medical chemistry, industrial chemistry, nanoscience, environmental science) from a recognized University with 55% in aggregate or its equivalent Grade B in UGC 7 point scale. A Relaxation of 5% of marks from 55 to 50% or equivalent relaxation of Grade for SC/ST/OBC(Non creamy layer)/Differently abled candidates.
- Intake: variable depending upon the requirements of the dept., and subject to UGC guidelines
- Lab facility
There are two laboratories in the department. Each lab is spacious enough to accommodate 40 students at a time. There are six working platforms (island tables) and four fumehoods fitted with inlet & outlets for water, LPG and nitrogen to perform the experiments. The lab is equipped with sophisticated instruments, glassware, plasticware, chemicals & other lab peripherals. The sophisticated instruments available in the labs are as follows
- UV-Visible absorption spectrophotometer
- UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectrophotometer
- Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS)
- Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (LCMS)
- Flash Chromatograph
- Particle Size and Zeta-Potential Measurement System
- Dip-Coater
- Digital pH Mater
- Rotary Evaporator
- Muffle Furnace
- Electrochemical Workstation
- Microwave Synthesizer
- Digital Melting Point apparatus
- Digital Conductivity meter
- Digital Thermometer
- Ultrasonicator
- Ice-Flaker
- Magnetic Stirrer cum hot plate (ceramic top)
- Incubator & Shakerli
- Circulating water bath with temperature control (5oC to 80 oC)
- Hot-Air Oven
- Digital Centrifuge (up to 5000 rpm)
- Deep-Freezer (-80 Degree Celsius)
- All-Quartz Double-Distillation Water Purification Set-up
- FTIR Spectrometer with ATR PRO
- Steady State Spectrofluorometer
- Muffle Furnace
- Centrifuge
Raman spectrometer, Differential Caloremeter, Low temperature bath (-80 0C) and photochemical reactor are in advanced stages of procurement and are likely to be installed in the current academic session 2021-2022.
- Research Lab
- List of instruments in the Lab (same as given above.)
- Lab staffs and their contact
- Research Lab
.Mr. Raj Kumar, Technical Assistant, email : rajkumar@cub.ac.in,
S.No. | Research Scholar/JRF/Project staff | Photograph | Guide | Academic Qualification | Research Area | Achievement/Award /Publication |
1 | SUMAN KUMAR sumankr@cusb.ac.in CUSB2004275007 |
Dr.Amiya Priyam | M.Tech.,MSc & MA | Nanomaterials | Received MHRD (Ministry of Human Resource and Development) Scholarship for pursuing Master of Technology Secured an All India Rank of 478 out of 11,776 candidates in GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) 2013 in Chemistry. | |
2 | Samridhi Patel @cusb.ac.in |
Dr. Girish Chandra | M.Sc | |||
3 | PRANATI GUPTA guptapranati62@gmail.com CUSB2004275004 |
Dr. Amiya Priyam | MSc chemistry | Nanotechnology, synthesis of Noble nanoparticles for the application of hydrogen evolution gas | NA | |
4 | Anuj Shrivastava |
Dr. Angad Singh | M.Sc | |||
5 | Rohit Maurya @cusb.ac.in |
Dr. Dr. Mahender Khatravath | M.Sc | |||
6 | Abhay Yadav @cusb.ac.in |
Dr. Angad Singh | M.Sc |
- Project
- DST- Fast Track Grant , Young Scientist Award : Principal Investigator: Dr. Amiya PriyamFunds approved: Rs. 27 Lakhs (Project completed in Feb 2017) roject title: “Synthesis of photosensitizer-loaded metallic nanoshells and plasmonic modulation of singlet oxygen generation: towards developing a non-invasive, bimodal nano-therapeutic tool”
- DST Nano Mission Grant (Project term ended in 2017, extension request under consideration): Principal Investigator: Dr. Amiya Priyam Funds approved: Rs. 48.4 Lakhs Project Title: “Rational design of plasmon-engineered luminescence upconversion nanocrystals for multimodal imaging and therapy”
- CRS grant (UGC-DAE Consortium) (Project completed, 2014-2018): Principal Investigator: Dr. Amiya Priyam Funds approved: 7.5 lakhs (approx.) Project Title: “Gamma radiolytic synthesis of tunable plasmonic nanomaterials for biosensing and photothermal therapy”
- CRS grant (UGC-DAE Consortium) (Project ongoing, 2020-2023): Principal Investigator: Dr. Amiya Priyam Project Title: “Tunable magnetoplasmonic nanomaterials: radiation chemical synthesis and its applications in non-invasive theranostics for cancer”
- DST Fast-Track grant, Young Scientist (SERB-DST) (Project Completed, 2014-2017): Principal Investigator: Dr. Girish Chandra Funds Approved: Rs. 21 Lakhs Project Title: “New Generation of Fluoro Carbocyclic Nucleoside for the treatment of Hepatitis C".
- ICMR grant, (Project ongoing, 2020-2023): Co-PI: Dr. Girish Chandra (Chemistry) / PI:Dr. Durg Vijay Singh (Bioinformatics) Project Title: "Rational approach of antibiotic discovery and development against, a Staphylococcus aureus Serine/ threonine Phosphatases (Stp1) protein: A novel target for Gram-Positive Bacterial infections. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). 2020-2023. (Co-PI: Dr. Girish Chandra, PI: Dr. Durg Vijay Singh).
- Assessment of components of nucleo-cytoplasmic import of Signal recognition particle and Screening of the import Inhibitors in P. falciparum. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). 2020-2023. ( Co-PI: Dr. Girish Chandra, PI: Dr. Manoj Panchal)
- Development of herbicides against Acetyl Co-A Carboxylase to address resistance cross-resistance in Phalaris minor: A weed of wheat crop field. Department of Biotechnology India (DBT). 2020-2023. (Co-PI: Dr. Girish Chandra, PI: Dr. Durg Vijai Singh).
- Awards
- Dr. Amiya Priyam and co-workers filed a patent titled “Zero rpm-Synthesized Tunable Plasmonic Hollow Silver Nanoshells in the Second Near-IR Window for Enhanced Solar-Catalysis” Application No.201931047638 A, Date of filing of Application :21/11/2019. Official Journal of the Patent Office (Govt. of India), Published on 20/12/2019, Issue No. 51/2019, Page No. 61412. (2019)
- Mr. Bhavesh Kr. Dadhich, DST-Project JRF under supervision of Dr. Amiya Priyam, received the International Travel Grant for presenting a research paper in 300th Faraday Discussions, a renowned and prestigious scientific meeting organised by Royal Society of Chemistry, London (2019)
- Dr. Amiya Priyam was invited by President Secretariat to participate in the meeting of National Innovation Clubs held at Rashtrapati Bhawan on 15-March-2016.
- Dr. Amiya Priyam, leading a team of 6 undergraduate students, made a short science film titled “Tap, Twist and Turn the PIEZO way to Smart Electricity” which was selected for screening and competition in the National Science Film Festival, NSFF 2016, held on Feb 9-13, 2016 at Nehru Science Centre. A "Certificate of Merit" was also awarded. The event was organized by Vigyan Prasar, DST, Govt. of India.
- Dr. Amiya Priyam & Dr. Girish Chandra received the Fast-Track Grants under the Young Scientist Scheme by DST, Govt. of India (2014).
- Specific Research Areas
- Research Publications
E-Resources for Courses
Course Code |
Course Name |
Question papers (Previous Years) |
Notes and Presentations |
Video and Suggested readings |
Course Assessment Design - MSc
- Semester –I
- Semester –II
- Semester –III
- Semester-IV
Department of Chemistry