Schools Languages and Literature

School of Language and Literature

About the school
School of Language and Literature
Human civilization evolves through innumerable phases of language evolutions. Knowledge too in its resurgent march unfailingly walks hand in hand with languages to streamline learning. Creative endeavours representing human behaviour mould languages to shape literature. As signifier of lingual heritage, literature showcases cultural diversities to promote learning through textual interpretations. The inception of the School of Languages and Literature is grounded in the idea that the ever flowing stream called literature meanders around life to mirror multiple perspectives irrespective of language differences. Interdisciplinary approach as its prime thrust nurtures confidence in learners pertaining to growth in communication and representation skills. The School in its curriculum places ‘Translation Studies’ as a common academic concern with relative cultural dimension in context of pluralism in society. At present, the School of Languages and Literature stands as the academic edifice with its Centre for Indian Languages (CIL) and the Centre for Foreign Languages (CFL). The Centre for Indian Languages with its Master programme in Hindi plans to develop programmes for various other Indian languages. As part of its academic endeavours, the Centre for Foreign Languages aims for the academic programme in Asian, European, African and other languages. The School in its prime objective remains open to incorporate various languages national and international for study and research, as it motivates minds towards the understanding of cultures, contextual correlations and comparative analysis of literature worldwide.



  • School Board

  • Present Dean
Name Period Contact Image
Prof. Suresh Chandra
Department of Hindi
06.11.2020-Onwards Contact: 0631-2229-
  • Former Deans
  1. Prof. Prabhat Kumar Singh(20.11.2018- 05.11.2020)
Name of Staff Designation Email Telephone/ Extn. No
Mr. Singh UDC 0631-2229-
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