CUSB fraternity takes pledge to curb corruption
As the nation is envisioning
CUSB fraternity takes pledge to curb corruption
As the nation is envisioning for self-reliant India and celebrating 75 years of its Independence, Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) is observing vigilance awareness week 2021 from 26th October to 01st November. The theme for this week is “Independent India @ 75: Self-reliance with integrity”. On Tuesday (October 26, 2021) morning based on the theme of vigilance awareness week an oath taking ceremony was organised at the Administrative building, Chanakya Bhawan, Malviya Bhawan and Aryabhatta Bhawan of the University. The pledge taking ceremony was conducted by Mrs. Rashmi Tripathi, Controller of Examinations at Administrative building, Prof. Atish Prashar, DSW and Head of Department of Mass Communication at Chanakya Bhawan, Prof. Kaushal Kishore, Dean and Head of School of Education at Malviya Bhawan and Dr. Hare Krishna Nigam, Dean and Head of School of MSCS at Aryabhatta Bhawan.

All the members of CUSB acknowledged the threat that corruption possesses to the economic, political and social progress of the country and pledged to curb it at their individual level by not accepting or offering bribes. According to the pledge, the university is going to provide a grievance redressal and whistle blower mechanism for reporting grievances and fraudulent activities and further ensuring such practices are kept under check. As an organization, the university has pledged to lead from the front in eradicating corruption and in maintaining highest standards of integrity, transparency and good governance in all aspects of operations.

Providing details about the further events, Dr. Sujeet Kumar, Asst. Prof., Mass Communication said that the pledge taking ceremony will be followed by a series of competitions to enhance involvement of students in the awareness campaign as the vigilance awareness week commences. An essay writing and a poster making competition will be organized at 01:00 pm on October 27th and October 28th, respectively in Aryabhatta Bhawan. On October 29th, a speech competition will be organized in Chanakya Bhawan where students will get an opportunity to articulate their ideas about corruption and ways to tackle it more efficiently. Lastly, the series will come to an end on 01st November with a Slogan writing competition based on ‘anti-corruption’.