Central Purchase Committee
General Financial Rules (GFR) of the Central Government provides that all Government purchases should be made in transparent, competitive and fair manner to secure best value for money. Public procurement procedure is also required to ensure efficiency, economy and accountability in the System. In pursuance of above provisions, the University has adopted a procedure to procure goods and services as mentioned in great detail in the ordinance-20. There are be purchase committee at two levels i.e. at the Unit level (UPC in each teaching department or section) and and at Central level, Central Purchase Committee (CPC). Whereas, UPC is responsible for purchases of goods costing up to Rs One lakh, CPC is responsible for procurement of Goods or Services Costing above Rupees One Lakh as per procedure prescribed in Clause 20.5 of Ordinance-20. Details about UPC can be accessed from corresponding department/unit pages.

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