CUSB Law students’ team Champion in Legal Aid Fest Vidhikata 2.0 organized at CNLU
A team of law students from the School of Law and Governance of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) brought […]
A team of law students from the School of Law and Governance of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) brought […]
A ‘Poster Making Competition’ was organized for the students by the Pro Bono Club functioning at School of Law and
दक्षिण बिहार केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय (सीयूएसबी) के बी.एड प्रशिक्षु शिक्षकों ने मध्य विद्यालय यमुने के छात्रों के लिए एक ज्ञानवर्धक भ्रमण
दक्षिण बिहार केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय के बीएड प्रशिक्षुओं ने इंस्टीट्यूशन इनोवेशन काउंसिल (आईआईसी), सीयूएसबी, गया के सहयोग से 4 अक्टूबर, 2023
The MSW students of Department of Sociological Studies, School of Social Sciences and Policy, Central university of South Bihar (CUSB)
दक्षिण बिहार केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय (सीयूएसबी) के खेल समिति द्वारा अकादमिक सत्र 2023 – 24 में दाखिला लेने वाले नए छात्र
Dr. Rachana Vishwakarma, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Business Studies and her research scholar Mr. Saket Mishra had presented
A record number of 44 students from different departments of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) got placed for the
The team of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) performed brilliantly and secured first position in the Red Ribbon Youth
Two students of the Department of Law and Governance of Central University of South Bihar (CUSB) selected in the Uttar