Biodiversity park

Biodiversity Park

A proposal for Biodiversity Park to be built in CUSB campus that will house Wetland, green house & nursery to support teaching & research programs of University in Biological and environmental sciences. The proposed biodiversity park would house wetlands, flora and fauna, conservatory of medicinal plants for drug discovery research and plants of regional importance, a greenhouse and a nursery to support several on-going and proposed research and training programs.
The Park aim to support the following:
  1. Teaching programs of MSc (Env Sci), MSc (Life Sci), MSc (Biotech) & MSc (Bioinforamtics), BSc-BEd, BSc-LLB, proposed BSc (Env Sci), undergrad programs of Biological sciences
  2. For on-going research of faculties in ecology & environmental sciences, transgenics and plant sciences, natural products & Drug discovery.
Committee to guide this project
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