- longjam@cusb.ac.in
- longjam.kabita@gmail.com
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Specialization :
Igneous petrology & Geochemistry
Teaching / Research) :Years / Years
Started teaching as an assistant professor in the Central University of South Bihar from the year 2020 onwards in the department of Geology under the Earth, Biological and Environmental Sciences CUSB, Gaya.
Teaches Igneous Petrology & Geochemistry of mafic/acidic rocks include geochemical data interpretation and analyses in Department of Geology as a guest faculty in the University of Delhi. Postdoctoral experience in the title “Geochemical and isotopic studies of mafic rocks from Nagaland-Manipur Ophiolite Belts: Constraints on magmatic evolution and tectonism in North-Eastern India” in the Department of Geology, University of Delhi.
Started teaching as an assistant professor in the Central University of South Bihar from the year 2020 onwards in the department of Geology under the Earth, Biological and Environmental Sciences CUSB, Gaya.
Teaches Igneous Petrology & Geochemistry of mafic/acidic rocks include geochemical data interpretation and analyses in Department of Geology as a guest faculty in the University of Delhi. Postdoctoral experience in the title “Geochemical and isotopic studies of mafic rocks from Nagaland-Manipur Ophiolite Belts: Constraints on magmatic evolution and tectonism in North-Eastern India” in the Department of Geology, University of Delhi.