The Department of Mathematics was started with the objective of producing trained manpower for undertaking teaching and research in Mathematics and in allied branches of basic and applied sciences. The Department is committed to impart high quality education in Mathematics. The Department offers two year M.A./M.Sc. programme in Mathematics and Ph.D. programme in Mathematics in diversified areas of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. The department also offers number of courses as elective to the students of the other department under choice based credit system. The Department also offers B.Sc. (Mathematics) courses to the 4 year integrated B.Sc.-B.Ed. programme. The Department provides common computer laboratory equipped with all computational facilities.
Department Overview
Established in |
2010 |
Employee Strength |
Faculty- 06 |
Student Strength |
Research Scholar & JRF- |
Placement 2021 |
x (tentative) |
Publications, Books & Patent |
Publications- |
News and Announcements
Important Links
Formats & Downloads
Board of Studies (BoS)
BoS is a statutory body for each department/centre, primarily responsible for syllabus design and regular update. As described in the Ordinance section 25.10,
The functions of the Board of Studies shall be:-- To recommend to the School Board, courses of studies offered by the Department/Centre and continue updating syllabus;
- To take all steps in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations about teaching and evaluation of various courses/programmes of the Department/Centre;
- To recommend to the School Board measures for the improvement of teaching and research in the Department/Centre;
- To constitute panels of experts to be considered for appointment as Examiners, Board of Examiners for various courses/academic programmes and M.Phil./Ph.D. thesis representing various specializations of Departments/Centres; and
- To perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the School Board, the Academic Council, the Executive Council and the Vice-Chancellor.
Department Committee (DC)
As enshrined in the Ordinace-26, the Department/Centre Committee (DC/CC) shall consist of the Head of the Department/Centre, as Chairperson ex-officio, and all faculty members of the Department/Centre.
26.2 The Department/Centre Committee shall have the following functions, namely–- To make proposals to the Board of Studies on academic programmes concerning teaching and research, and the creation, specialization and abolition of teaching posts;
- To propose schemes for the maintenance and improvement of the standards of various programmes of study and research of the Department/Centre;
- To apportion the teaching and co-curricular work of the Department/Centre among the teachers thereof and monitor the proper execution thereof;
- To consider and decide on the assignment and utilisation of the space, equipment and other assets of the Department/Centre and other matters of general and academic interest of the Department/Centre;
- To consider and recommend perspectives and major thrust areas for research and to propose research projects to be taken up by the members of the Department/Centre, individually/collectively;
- To review and apprise the SRC/URC with the current status of research in Department/Centre;
- To suggest to SRC/URC norms related to qualifications and research experience of a faculty to be recognized as a research degree supervisor and to constitute Department/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRC/CRC);
- To suggest to University Admission, Teaching and Evaluation Committee (UATEC) on any issue related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation in courses and students’ assessment of courses, offered by the Department/Centre to improve quality of education.
- To constitute such Committee(s) comprising members of the Department/Centre, and if necessary external experts, for framing and implementation of rules and regulations related to admission, teaching, continuous evaluation, maintenance of students’ records including alumni affairs as well as promotion of research and development; and
- To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Ordinances or Regulations, or by the Vice- Chancellor/Dean/School Board from time to time.
Department Research Degree Committee (DRDC)
Departmental/Centre Research Degree Committee (DRDC/CRDC) deal with all matters connected with the Ph.D. Programme of the Department and report the matter to the University Research Degree Committee (URDC), as per University Ordinance-33. It consists of the Head of Department/Centre as Chairman and other faculties in the department.
Functions of DRDC/CRDC are as follows:- Allotment of Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, recording reasons for not admitting a candidate.
- Recommendation for extension of time for submission of thesis
- Recommendation to peruse a part of research outside the University
- Approval of the Course Work
- Assessment and Grading in Course Work
- Monitoring the research progress of the candidate
- Approval of Research plan proposal/language
- Sanction of duty leave to the Ph.D. candidate
- Assessment of Ph.D. work through pre-submission seminar
- Maintaining the record of research paper publications of the candidate
- 11 Recommendation of panel of experts for thesis evaluation
- Assessment of revised thesis for satisfactory compliance, if any
- Arrangement of Viva-voce in the absence of the supervisor
- Recommendation to waive the Viva-voce
Research Advisory Committee (RAC)
A Research Advisory Committee (RAC) is constituted for every research scholar admitted in PhD programme. The Committee would guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and to To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar. The committee shall have also have power to recommend the co-supervisor and cancellation of registration
Department of Mathematics, CUSB aims to be among the India’s foremost academic department through the pursuit of excellence in teaching and research and promotion of innovation by offering standard Mathematics education to train future leaders in Mathematics and by applying Mathematical concepts for India’s economics development and social welfare.
Our mission is to realize our vision by:
- Imparting standard Mathematics education in an environment of pure and applied research in Mathematics
- Conducting standard research, generating new knowledge, and disseminating this knowledge through publications in journals of international repute and conferences
- Applying faculty expertise towards the success of national initiatives
- To involve ancient mathematical concept in the curriculum with the aim of its applicability in present scenario
- Applying knowledge in various areas to create knowhow and developing such knowhow for utilization by the industry and society
- Objectives of the Program:
b.Program Outcomes:
- Equip students in the skills to analyse problems, formulate on hypothesis, evaluate and draw reasonable conditions thereof.
- Prepare student for pursuing the career in research and industry.
- Acquire relevant knowledge and skills required to become a professional.
- Aware the students for contributing the society with their mathematical skills.
c. Eligibility:
Bachelor's Degree from any recognised University in Mathematics/Statistics but should have studied Mathematics as subject in all the 3 years with a minimum of 55% marks for General/ OBC candidates and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates.
d. Intake: 45
- Objectives of the Program:
b.Program Outcomes:
- Develop capabilities in critical intellectual inquiry.
- Develop Ph.D. scholars' scientific culture.
- Prepare their future career prospects in academics, research etc.
- Encourage their international prospects.
c. Eligibility:
Master's Degree in Mathematics form any recognised University with 55% in aggregate or its equivalent Grade B in UGC 7 point scale. A Relaxation of 5% of marks from 55% or equivalent relaxation of Grade for SC/ST/OBC (Non creamy layer)/Differently abled candidates.
- Project
- Specific Research Areas
- Research Publications
E-Resources for Courses
Course Code |
Course Name |
Question papers (Previous Years) |
Notes and Presentations |
Video and Suggested readings |
Course Assessment Design - MSc
- Semester –I
- Semester –II
- Semester –III
- Semester-IV
Department of Mathematics