One -Week Faculty Development Programme on “National Education Policy 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme” was organized by the Department of Teacher Education, School of Education, Central University of South Bihar (CUSB), Gaya under the MMTC Scheme of Ministry of Education Govt. of India from 23rd December to 31st December 2023 through online mode.
Day 1: The first day of programme began with the inaugural-cum-technical session. The session was started with saraswati vandana and university kulgeet followed by the welcome address of Prof. Ravi Kant, Head, Dean, School of Education, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya.
Dr. Tarun Kumar Tyagi, Director MMTC, CUSB gave an introduction of the program and said that 175 participants from 19 states, working in different capacities in Higher Education institutes of India are participating in the program. Thereafter Prof. Harikesh Singh, Former vice-chancellor, of Jai Prakash Narayan University, Chapra, Bihar, and also Former Head and Dean, Faculty of Education, Banaras Hindu University, was the chief guest and keynote speaker of the inaugural session. He enriched the participants through his outstanding presentation on ‘Values, ethics and morality’. Further, he said that practicing Das Lakshan ( ten principles) of Sanatan Dharm makes the person Dashrath but ignorance of them makes the person Dashanan.
He also quoted the Baudh dharma and emphasized Karuna, Sheel and Pragyan and ‘Atam Deepo Bhav’. He said that Bhartiya darshan is based on ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam’ and ‘Sarve Bhavantu Sukhin’ not only the welfare of humankind but also the plant and animal kind. It believes in ‘Yat Brahmande tat pinde’ means we all are Part of the supreme soul and discussed the essence of Advait philosophy.
At last, he said that NEP 2020 talks about pre-primary to post-doctoral research and life-long learning and it’s a move towards Bharat Centric Education. This is rooted in Indian ethos & culture and committed to development.
The session was ended by the presidential address by Prof. Kameshwar Nath Singh, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya. He discussed the importance of holistic development among the students by highlighting the four skills that are academic, professional, vocational, and life skills. He also emphasized on Indian Knowledge System and how to decolonize the mindset of youth. Further, he also stressed on making ‘Viksit Bharat’ as envisioned by the youth with a sound body, sound mind and sound intellect. By addressing the challenges of the 21st century he emphasized on 4 D’s Decolonization of mindset, digitalization, decarbonization and decentralization. By realizing the importance of digital technology he discussed an equation that is Indian talent + Information technology = India Tomorrow.
The second session began with the deliberation where Prof. Sudhanshu Bhushan, Head, Dept. of Higher and Professional Education, NIEPA, Delhi was the resource person who expounded on the conceptual understanding of multidisciplinary, pluridisciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and crossdisciplinary. He gave an overview of the hypothetical relationship between curricular structure and curricular growth and explained restructured curriculum and its effect on employability and the needs of the market. At last, he highlighted three transformations of curricular restructure, out-cum based learning and multidisciplinary education and its challenges. He also comparatively analyzed the old curricular structure and UGC guideline 2022 curricular structure.
The participants were enthralled by the amount of quality academic knowledge they had gained after attending these endowing sessions. The participants also expressed their joy in being immensely benefitted by the programme. The active and disciplined approach of Dr. Tarun Kumar Tyagi (programme director), Dr. Pragya Gupta (programme anchor), Central University of South Bihar, Gaya helped in the successful execution of first day of the programme.
Lastly the session ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. Ravindra Kumar, Assisstant Professor, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya and National anthem. During the program Dr. Rinki, Dr. Kishore, Dr Samresh Bharti, Dr. Digvijay and CUSB Teaching fraternity were present.
Day 2 & 3: Professor Harikesh Singh, former Vice Chancellor, Jai Prakash Narayan University, Chhapra, Bihar, gave a succinct lecture on ‘Values, Policy and Ethics in Higher Education’. Thereafter, Professor Sudhanshu Bhushan of NIEPA delivered his lecture on ‘Multidisciplinarity in Higher Education. On the second day of the program, Professor KNP Raju ji of Banaras Hindu University presented his views on ‘Inclusion of Indian Knowledge Tradition in Higher Education’. Subsequently, Professor Ravi Kant, CUSB presented his views on the topic ‘Promoting ICT competencies in blended learning: Role of curriculum and teaching strategies’. On the third day of the program, Prof. of Aligarh Muslim University. Chandra Pal Singh Chauhan presented a concise lecture on the topic ‘Higher Education: Quantity, Quality and Social Relevance’. Subsequently, Professor Kumar Suresh of NIEPA delivered a lecture on ‘Academic Leadership, Governance and Management in Higher Education’.
Day 04: On the fourth day of the program, Professor Chandra Bhushan Sharma, former chairperson of Indira Gandhi National Open University and NIOS, presented a speech on the topic ‘Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education’. Thereafter, Professor Brajesh Kumar, Head, Department of Commerce and Business Studies, CUSB, presented his lecture on the topic ‘Financial Planning and Internal Resources in Higher Education’.
Day 05: On the fifth day of the program, Professor Venkatesh Singh, IQAC Coordinator and Head of the Department of Physics, CUSB, delivered his lecture on ‘Research Quality and Networking with Global Bodies’ and explained how collaboration can be done with teachers and researchers from other institutions. . Thereafter, Professor Durgvijay Singh, Director of Research Development Cell of CUSB and Head of the Department of Biotechnology, gave a very concise lecture on the topic ‘Research Proposal Development, Management and Quality Publication’ and encouraged the participants to make effective research proposals and send them to funding agencies. .
Day 06: The sixth day of the programme began with a technical session on teachers’ competencies towards diversity and inclusion in higher education. Prof. Rajani Ranjan, Head department of Special Education & Dean, Faculty of Education, Dr. Shakuntala Mishra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow was the Resource person of the session. He enriched the participants through his outstanding presentation on equitable and inclusive education in higher education. Further he said that teachers should know their learner and Pathshala should be Anandshala of the learners. He discussed UDL with practical examples. He advised the participants to know about the science of learning and accordingly transact the curriculum. In the next session, Prof Atish Prashar, Former Head & Dean, Mass Communications and Media gave his deliberation on ‘Vocationalization of Higher Education in Bharat’. He highlighted the recommendation of NEP 2020 and the way of its implementation. Further he discussed the challenges and way out. He highlighted that in Bharat, only 5% of Bhartiya Yuva between age of 19-24 yrs are enrolled in vocational education.That is very far away from developed countries such as the USA 52%, Germany 75% and South Korea 96%.
Day 07: On the 7th day, in the first session, Prof Pradeep Kr Misra, Director CPHRE, NIEPA gave his deliberation on ‘Practical Skills for Use of ICT in Teaching & Research at higher level’. He highlighted the significance of ICT in education in terms of access, inclusion and quality education. He said that technology is a tool or technique to make the teaching learning process conducive. Where the learners can learn joyfully with his pace. Further he said, every institution should have institutional policy for technology usage, the website can be used as a learning repository. The best technology usages practices should be recognized and appreciated by the institution. For enhancing the effective use of technology in education, faculty induction programmes should be organized from time to time.
The next session was taken by Prof. Nagendra Singh, head of Dept of Education, Dean Research, regional Institute of Education, Ajmer, NCERT. He pondered upon university, community and inclusivity. He discussed the significance of equity and inclusivity in higher education for promoting access and achieving excellence. Further he discussed the gender barriers, differently abled population as well as disadvantaged groups. Moreover, he told about Shyama prasad Mukherji, Rurban Mission for providing the urban facilities in urban areas. He also highlighted that every discipline of higher education should reach the community to solve their problems. For example the law Dept should run the legal aid clinic in rural areas. The agriculture dept can provide help in dairy and farming activities and so on. At last he said that social service and community development should be a compulsory course for under graduate programmes. So the knowledge can be connected with the community. The sessions were moderated by Lt (Dr) Pragya Gupta. Dr. Tarun Tyagi Director, MMTC, CUSB proposed the vote of thanks to participants and the resource persons.
Valedictory Session
In the Valedictory Session of Eight-day Faculty Development Programme on “National Education Policy 2020 Orientation and Sensitization Programme” organized by the Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) Central University of South Bihar, Gaya under the Scheme of UGC MMT-PP, Ministry of Education Govt. of Bharat from 23rd December to 31st December 2023 through online mode. The programme was started with the welcome address of Prof. Ravi Kant, Dean School of Education, CUSB Gaya. Thereafter, Dr. Tarun Kumar Tyagi, Programme Coordinator and Director, MMTTC, CUSB Gaya presented detailed reports of interactive sessions on 16 SubThemes of 8 NEP 2020 Core Themes in the eight-day online National Training programme for the Faculty Members of Higher Education Institutions.
Prof Kameshwar Nath Singh, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, CUSB highlighted in his presidential address that ‘CUSB family is dedicated for Viksit Bharat @2047” is CUSB Motto for the Year of 2024. Further he pointed out, for achieving the aim, we’ve to celebrate our diversity in all means. Further, he said that we’ve to focus on ‘Nationalization, Indianization and Spiritualisation’. He pointed out of Hon’ble Prime Minister for the achieving the goal of Viksit Bharat 2047, we’ve to focus on GYAN i.e., Garib, Yuva, Annadata and NariShakti. Further, he highlighted that NEP 2020, promotes holistic development through Panchkoshiya Shiksha. He said this is the policy which address the need of 21st century issues, challenges and needs and has the plan to prepare the learner as responsive citizen to transform the India as ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ & ‘Viksit Bharat@2047’.
Chief Guest of the Valedictory Session, Prof Prakash Chandra Agrawal, Principal, RIE Bhubneswar, Odisha highlighted in his address that NEP 2020 talks about pre-primary education to higher education, integrates the vocationalization of education from class VI. It also integrates the vocational education with main stream education. For which the apprenticship, internship will play the major role. We’ve to connect the local artisans and industries with school and higher education. He emphasized that NEP 2020 will help to future generations to become employment provider rather than employment seeker. In 15th technical session, Prof. Pawan Kumar Sharma pondered upon Bhartiya Gyan Paramapara and said that ‘Chir Nutan Chir Puratan Iti Bhartiya Parampara’. It means which incorporates latest development and kept the oldest virtue. This is the beauty of Bharitya Sanskriti. On the basis of reference, August Samhita, Vaminki Shastra by Bhardwaj Rishi, explained that developed aerunotical science and engineering of India. He also gave the many references to incorporate Bhartiya Gyan Parampara into the present curricula and content writing for achieving the target of NEP 2020. During the session. The valedictory programme was ended with the vote of thanks given by Lt (Dr.) Pragya Gupta, Assistant Professor, Dept of Teacher Education to Guests, Resource Persons, esteemed participants and other faculty members and research scholars of different departments. During the Programme, Prof. CPS Chauhan, Prof. Nagendra Singh, Prof. Brajesh Kumar, Prof. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Mitanjali Sahoo, Dr. Ravindra Kumar, faculty members from different departments of CUSB and Aditya Kumar and many Research Scholars were present in online meeting.